Miss Trefonas's Homeroom:
Social Studies = Chapter 11 Test is Monday.
We are not starting chapter 12 this week. Instead we will be doing current events activities with TFK (Time for Kids).
Science = We are doing a creative extenstion activity about animal populations and their environments. The story The Great Fuzz Frenzy was shared with the class. They are now creating their own story board about an unusual object being found in a certain creatures environment.
Project due Tuesday, May 5th.
Miss Trefonas's Reading-English-Spelling:
Spelling: Lesson 32 and the last 3 words of the week.
This is our last "regular" spelling lesson.
Next week, we begin an activity with all our words of the week.
English: Unit 6 Pronoun Test is Monday.
Next, we begin Unit 7 - Adverbs
Reading: Jacob's Rescue is a historical fiction book which takes place during the Holocaust.
We will be working on many of the comprehension skills while reading and discussing this book together.
Lakeview I.M.C. visit= Our last scheduled visit is Wednesday, May 6th
SCOOPer READING: DUE DATE IS MAY 15TH. There are many students who have fallen behind in their independent reading and completing book activities.
This counts as a grade and we have a "celebration" for all who completed their goal.
Vocab Club: March/April words due April 3oth. Many students waited until the last week to complete this activity after having 2 months to complete their ten words. This is disappointing.
MAY WORDS = 10 due, on or BEFORE , May 29th.
Miss Trefonas's Math Class:
We have started Chapter 23 which includes Perimeter, Perimeter Formulas, and Circumference.
It is a short chapter. The test will Be Tuesday, May 5th.
Next, Chapter 24 Area of geometrical figures.