Friday, March 26, 2010

The Week of April 5, 2010

Dear Parents:
~Enjoy Spring Break the week of March 29th! School Resumes Monday, April 5th!
~Hannah Orleans math placement test for Lakeview = Thursday, April 8th
~T.G.F.D. Graduation = Friday, April 9th @ 9:00 - parents and family members are invited!
~Geo-Space = Weds. April 14th = In class, fieldtrip with DuPage Children's Museum facilitators
Parent Volunteers = Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Kling, and Mrs. Stanuch (please be here at 8:00)
~OPEN HOUSE = Thursday, April 15th 6:30 -8:00
SPELLING: Lesson 30 and word of the week
ENGLISH: Persuasive Writing continued....Has your child shared any of the persuasive articles we have read and had class debates over? Ask them how they feel about wearing a school uniform or having an extended school day.
This week the students will be picking a prompt to write about as we discuss persuasive writing elements like types of intoductions and types of supporting details.
We will be writing the Persuasive in class during the week and revising/proofreading by the end of the week.
READING: This week we will focus on summmarizing and questioning as we begin a literature unit on Toliver's Secret.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 10 Lesson 3 "Ratifying the Constitution" The students need to MEMORIZE the preamble for this chapter's test. Anyone who has it memorized prior to the test date (not set yet) and recites it in front of the class will get a special Preamble pencil that they may use on the test! The may perform the preamble as a solo, a duet, or in a group of three.
We will be reading the information in the textbook and taking notes in an "Important Book".
SCIENCE: We will be learning about solids, liquids, and gases.
MATH: Chapter 22 Measurement
We will be learning about customary length and metric length.
We will be learning how to convert these linear units, as well as, adding and subtracting them.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Week of March 22, 2010

Dear Parents:
~NaperSettlement Field Trip = Tuesday, March 23rd. Students (and chaperones) need a sack lunch and drink. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. We will be outside during the field trip.
Chaperones = Froats, Balinski, and Dourdourekas.
~After school Project Challenge = Tuesday, March 23rd
~Spring Break = The week of March 29th!
~SAVE THIS DATE = Friday, April 9th Too Good For Drugs Graduation - 9:00 Prairieview gym. Parents are invited!
SPELLING = Lesson 28 and word of the week
READING = As we continue our study of China, we will be focusing on non fiction text to practice the reading strategy of clarifying. The students will be using the research to make a China Travel Brochure. Class time is being given on Thurs. 3/18 and Fri. 3/19.
Travel Brochure is due Tuesday, March 23rd.
SCOOPer Reading = I have met with several students that have completed book activities towards their 3rd trimester goal. Many students have done book shares with the class recommending great books to read!
ENGLISH = Persuasive writing......The students will read some different Persuasive articles that have to do with soda machines in schools to raise money for student activities, longer school days, and school uniforms. While reading these articles we will discuss the elements of a persuasive article and the pro's and con's of each issue.
The following week the students will begin the writing process of a persuasive prompt.
SOCIAL STUDIES = continuing Chapter 10 with Lesson 2 "Debate in Philadelphia" and Lesson 3 "Ratifying the Constitution".
With Lesson 3, the students will be learning the Preamble......we will be singing along with School House Rock. The students will need to have the Preamble memorized for the Chapter 10 test.
SCIENCE = This week we will be learning about solids, liquids, and gasses.
MATH = Chapter 14 Lesson 3 addition and subtraction of mixed numbers, Lesson 4 subtraction of mixed numbers with renaming, and Lesson 5 more addition and subtaction of mixed numbers.
Friday, March 26th = Quest (quiz/test) and homework sheet!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Week of March 15, 2010

Dear Parents:
*No School = Friday, March 12th
*Roller Skating Party = Monday, March 15
*NaperSettlement Field Trip = Tuesday, March 23rd
chaperones = Balinski, Froats, and Dourdourekas
*Project Challenge = Tuesday, March 23rd
*Geo-Space program - Dupage Children's Museum facilitates the program here at Prairieview.
$ needs to be brought to school in an envelope on/before Friday, March 26th.
The students will receive the information sheet on Monday!
1 day late - minus 25%
More than one day late until test is taken - minus 50%
After Unit is done - ZERO in grade book
SPELLING: Lesson 26 review unit (no word of the week) Friday test = multiple choice format.
READING: We are continuing to work on the reading strategy of Clarifying with nonfiction text.
We are researching China and taking notes on an outline which uses the skills of main idea/supporting details. We will be creating a travel brochure with all our information.
ENGLISH: We will be doing activities with our China unit.
~Acrostic China poems
~Chinese proverbs
~and some other activities......
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 9 test = Tuesday, March 16th
Chapter 10 "Life in a New Nation" Lesson 1 We will learn about the problems the newly formed United States had because of a weak government.
SCIENCE: Unit E - Chapter 14 Matter
We will be learning about atoms, molecules, and the periodic table.
T.G.F.D. This is our last week with Officer K. The students will be assigned a written activity which will count as a science grade. This will require the students to apply information they have learned over the past weeks in a letter.
We will be having a Too Good For Drugs Graduation.
Parents will be invited. I will let you know as soon as a date has been assigned.
MATH: Chapter 19 Quest (quiz/test) = Monday, March 15th which will cover lessons 19.1, 19.2, 19.4, and 19.6.
The students will also be given a "homework sheet" on Monday which will include problems from each of these lessons.
Textbook p. 534 is a great review page, as well as, the V.I.P. sheets in their binder and the Chapter 19 packet.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Week of March 8, 2010

Dear Parents:

*We are finished with ISAT testing except for absent student makeup testing!

Thanks to all the parents who provided treats and drinks during ISAT testing!

*This week we have parent/teacher conferences.

*Report Cards = Tuesday!

*No SCHOOL on Friday!


Thursday is our SCOOPer Reading celebration! Thanks to everyone who is contributing

snacks for our celebration. Congratulations to your child for reading and meeting their goal!




SPELLING: Lesson 25 and word of the week. The workbook is due Thursday, and the test is on Thursday.


The stragegy we are focusing on is clarifying by identifying main idea and supporting details.
We are beginning a research unit on China. The children will be using nonfiction resources including the internet to gather facts. The facts will be used to create a travel brochure as a final project.

We will also be focusing on PANDAS this week and doing a creative project "Pandas on Parade".


SCOOPer READING: The students have set their third trimester goals and have received new packets for book activities.


ENGLISH: This will be integrated with our China unit.


SOCIAL STUDIES: We are finishing Chapter 9 this week. Wednesday we will be hilighting our notes for studying. The Chapter 9 test is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16th.


SCIENCE: Unit E Matter and Energy


MATH: Chapter 19 "Plane and Solid Figures"

Lesson 1 = Classifying triangles

Lesson 2 = Classifying Quadrilaterals

skipping Lesson 3

Lesson 4 = Solid Figures

skipping Lesson 5

Lesson 6 = Nets for Solid Figures

**A QUEST (quiz/test) is scheduled for Monday, March 15th which will cover the above lessons