Will the groundhog see his shadow? I am ready for winter to be over!
Thanks to Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Burrows for their generous classroom donations.
Can you help out?
This is what we can use:
~Goldfish crackers (individually wrapped packages)
~any other "peanut free" snack, individually wrapped EXCEPT fruit snacks!!!
(We have plenty of fruit snacks presently!!)
Things to note:
~Movie Night permission slips are due Monday.
~Argonne permission slips are due by Friday.
~Movie Night = Friday!
~Failure Notices will be sent home Friday to any student receiving lower than a C.
BOX TOPS......send them in!
READING: We are practicing writing an extended response using a nonfiction genre. This will help us succeed when taking the ISAT tests! We will be identifying cause and effect relationships using a variety of instructional materials. We will be applying these skills while continuing our novel study - Toliver's Secret.
SCOOPer Reading: This weather lends itself to cuddling up with a good book.....I hope to see some book activities turned in this week!
**Don't forget the Read to Succeed - Six Flags reading sheets are due Feb. 17th! A free ticket just for reading and filling out the sheet with a parent signature!
ENGLISH: Unit 3 Verbs continued. Linking Verb Island Project due Monday.
The students had class time on Weds., Thurs, and Fri. Hopefully, they won't have too much left to complete over the weekend.
Next, we will be reviewing present, past, and future tense of verbs.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 8 Lesson3 Revolution Begins
We are reading the text, taking notes, and continuing our Patriot/Loyalist project.
This is the last lesson of the chapter.
It is recommended to review the lessons we have already covered.
Then, when it's test time it's not too overwhelming!!!
Too Good For Drugs: Session for this week! Your child should be able to share some useful information with you from this program.
SCIENCE: Have your child share what rodents they found inside the owl pellet they dissected.
This week we are not starting any new material.
MATH: Chapter 18 Geometry
Monday - Lesson 6 Congruent and Similar Figures
Tuesday - Lesson 7 Symmetry
Wednesday - Homework sheet and Chapter 18 review
Thursday - Chapter 18 test
Friday - Symmetry project