Monday, December 10, 2007

The Week of December 10, 2007

Dear Parents,
Please remember that during the winter we have the children go out for recess as much as possible. Many children are not coming to school with boots, hats, gloves etc.
Thanks to all the families who so generously contributed to our holdiay service project. This family is going to have a special Christmas!
~Polar Express permission slips are due!
~Don't forget to turn in movie night permission slips!


Spelling = Lesson 15 and “word of the week”

English = Unit 3 Verbs - We are learning about linking verbs this week and doing an activity in which the children create an island and describe it with linking verb sentences.
Reading = SCOOPer reading……the children should have 1 book read and activity
completed before our holiday break unless the book being read is a thick one!!

Book Clubs = The children have selected a historical fiction book and will be participating in book club discussion groups and completing a book club discussion sheet. The first book club meeting and discussion sheet due date is on Tuesday.
The discussion sheet incorportates the following reading strategies: summarizing, questioning, predictiong, and using vocabulary skills.

Social Studies = Chapter 8 Lesson 1
Science = This week in our Flight and Rocketry unit we will learn how a plan is controllled, how helicopters fly, and how rockets are launched.
T.G.F.D. = Too Good For Drugs! Your child will be involved in a ten week program which takes place in our classroom and is instructed by Deputy K. who is a Dupage Sheriff officer.
Our first session was Friday, December 14th. Your child will be bringing home information that tells all about the program. There is weekly homework that involves family participation.
This counts as a participation grade for Science/Health!
Math = We'll be finishing chapter 5 and reviewing the chapter on Friday.
The chapter 5 test wukk be Monday, December 17th!
Let is snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
Miss Trefonas