Monday, February 25, 2008

The Week of 2-25-8

Dear Parents,
We are using our last container of Lysol/Clorox disinfecting wipes. We use these weekly to clean our desktops. Please send in a container of any brand of disinfecting wipes!! Thanks!!
***SAVE THE DATE***Friday, March 7th - 1:00 for T.G.F.D. Graduation in PV gym!!!
I will be absent Weds. 2/27 - Fri. 2/29. If you e-mail me, I will not be able to respond or get a message to your child. Please call the office or send a note to the substitute.

SPELLING: Lesson 23 and "word of the week"
WRITNG: Expository Writing...Your child has picked their expository writing topic and have begun their first draft. I am emphasizing supporting details!
READING: SCOOPer Reading is due Friday, 2/29.
ISAT reading skills....We are learning and reviewing different literary elements. This includes characterization and literary themes. The mastery test over literary elements will be given on Wednesday.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 9...finishing Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 "The World Turned Upside Down". We will be taking the Chapter 9 test the week of March 3rd. Again, reviewing what we have already learned this week would be recommended.
SCIENCE: Human Body...we will be doing some activities to apply what we have learned about voluntary and involuntary muscles. Next, we begin learning about the Circulatory System and the heart.
MATH: We are finishing Chapter 11....The QUEST (Quiz/Test) will be given on Wednesday.
This will include the metric system, perimeter, and area. Next, we will be reviewing and practing what will be tested on the ISAT tests.
Miss Trefonas