Monday, April 14, 2008

The Week of April 14, 2008

Dear Parents,
Open House is this Thursday from 6:45 - 8:30!!! Please try your hardest to come and see all the wonderful work on display. It's a special night for your child to show off their accomplishments and hard work. Also, we have our spring Book Fair in the gymnasium.
I look forward to seeing you Thursday!

SPELLING: Lesson 29 and "word of the week"
ENGLISH: Unit 6 Pronouns! Your child should know the difference between a subject and object pronoun by the end of the week. We will also be reviewing how to use I and ME correctly!
READING: China travel brochures due Tuesday!
Next, we begin BOOK CLUBS. Your child will be choosing a literature book and then required to read the first section of the book and do the Book Club sheet which is used for their book club discussion group meeting and graded. The sheet includes the following reading strategies: summarizing, questioning, connecting, and predicting.
A due date for the first reading assignment will be given as the books and sheets are distributed later in the week.
SCOOPer READING........your child should be reading and doing book activities!
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 11 - Lesson 1 "Washington as President"
and Lesson 2 "Jefferson Looks West" will be completed by the end of the week.
Once again, I suggest that your child begins reviewing after we finish each lesson.
SCIENCE: We are doing what I had planned for last week....finishing respiratory system and learning about our skin. Science was not our priority last week.
MATH: Chapter 8 Multipyling Decimals and Multi-step Problem Solving.
Lessons 1-7 will be covered this week. The checkpoint quiz will be the week of April 21st!
Miss Trefonas