Friday, October 25, 2013

The Week of October 28, 2013

Dear Parents,

This week:
*Monday = Weather presentation, Trade Fair slip with student and parent signatures, and Art to Remember (if ordering) are all DUE!!

*Tuesday = Coupon Book or coupon book orders are DUE.
  BULLS Spirit Day!!


*Thursday = HALLOWEEN:
Students may bring their costume to school on Thursday. Please do not have your child wear any part of their costume to school that will be a distraction prior to the festivities. (makeup, sprayed hair, etc) The costume might need to be simplified for school purposes since students need to be able to change in a short amount of time. Changing will take place in the classrooms. The fifth grade will have designated classrooms for girls to change in and for boys. Washrooms will not be available for costume changing. No weapons, even fake, are allowed at school.  

Thank you to the following parents for all your preparations for the classroom party:
Mr. Hoffman     Mrs. Gustafson
Mrs. Major        Mrs. Arce
Mrs. Sprandel    Mrs. Mantri
Mrs. Harmon     Mrs. Hoffman

Thank you to Mrs. Cigrand for sending in Halloween prizes for our classroom "store".


SPELLING:  Lesson 9

READING: An assessment will be given that covers the reading comprehension skills we have practiced during the trimester.
We will begin non fiction text structures.

ENGLISH: Unit 2 Nouns 
The students are applying their knowledge of nouns to create a MAD LIB with a Halloween theme.
We will also review plural nouns.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Colonial jobs and trades - TRADE FAIR WEDNESDAY!

SCIENCE:  sharing Weather Presentations 

MATH:  Division!!!
This week your child will be given a homework sheet that will require them to record how they practiced multiplication/division facts at home daily with a parent signature daily.
Ch3 L3 2 digit division with remainders
Ch3 L4 Division Patterns
Ch3 L5 Estimating Quotients
*Wednesday = QUIZ over Lessons 1-4
*Thursday = Halloween (fun activities)