Thanks for taking the time to read this week's newsletter!
TICKETS!! Has your child told you about our classroom tickets that they can earn for positive behavior? I am asking for any parents who'd like to donate to my ticket prizes to send in "goodies" at any time. We need healthy individually wrapped snacks like cereal bars, fruit snacks, crackers, pretzels etc. Also, decorative pencils, prizes, stickers, and any other item you think would be fun for the kids to earn is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 5 Test is Tuesday, October 7th!
How to Study Sheet filled out with a parent signature is worth 2 Bonus Points!
**It is a 5th grade policy that we do NOT send home graded social studies tests. Your child will be able to see how they did on the test and then return it. If at any time you'd like to see the actual graded test, please contact me.
SCIENCE: We are still using science time to learn about the election process.
SPELLING: Lesson 6 and "word of the week"!
ENGLISH: Unit 5 "Capitalization & Punctuation" We are learning about all the different uses for the comma. It sure is an important punctuation mark! We will be doing a creative thinking activity based on the picture book, Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.
READING: We are finishing Trouble River. The students will be getting a grade on their summary journals this week. The students will be creating a "story pyramid" based on the book which will show their comprehension of the book. This end of the book activity will also be graded. We will also be reading some short "spooky" stories that will review the reading skills of main idea and supporting details.
SCOOPER READING: We are halfway through the trimester this week which means your child should be halfway finished with their reading goal!
VOCABULARY: The grades for your child's 10 September words have been entered in the grade book. Ten October words will be do at the end of the month or before! The child must be able to pronounce the word correctly in order to get credit for the word. Please check that the words your child has selected or appropriate.
Multiplication timed tests= Last day is Tuesday!
This week we are doing some ISAT practice from Chapters 1 & 2, and we are starting Chapter 3.
We will be working on division in Chapter 3.
There will be a quiz and homework sheet at the end of the week.