Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Week of December 8, 2008

Miss Trefonas's Homeroom:
Holiday Service Project = The last day to send in gifts, gift cards, or cash donations is Wednesday, December 10th.
Donations needed!!! = If you can send in healthy individually wrapped snacks for our prize bin it would be greatly appreciated! Fruit snacks and cheddar crackers (Goldfish) are the most needed!
Hand Sanitizer that comes in a pump bottle needed too!
SCIENCE= Forms of Energy (Solar, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, and Sound)
SOCIAL STUDIES = Chapter 7 Test = Wednesday
Miss Trefonas's Reading:
Donations needed!!! = If you can send in healthy individually wrapped snacks for our prize bin it would be greatly appreciated! Fruit snacks and cheddar crackers (Goldfish) are the most needed!
Hand Sanitizer that comes in a pump bottle needed too!
SPELLING = Lesson 15 and word of the week
ENGLISH = Linking Verbs - We are doing a creative activity "Linking Verb Island"
We will also be reviewing Verb Tenses - Present, Past, and Future
READING = We are using the reading strategy of QUESTIONING as we begin a literature book Running Out of Time.
SCOOPer Reading = 2nd Trimester goals have begun!!!
VOCAB CLUB = December words.....They are due on the day we return from holiday break.
They can be finished before break!!! What choice is your child making?
Miss Trefonas's Math Class:
Chapter 5 Decimal Test = Wednesday!!