Miss Trefonas's Homeroom:
No school Monday = President's Day!
Congratulations Nikitha for doing an excellent job in the Spelling Bee!
Thanks to the great Valentine's Day helpers!
UPCOMING EVENTS....ISAT week March 2nd!
T.G.F.D. = assignment due Thursday. The students are to discuss the sheet with one or both parent(s) and get a parent signature.
SCIENCE = Unit E - Chapter 17 Lesson 2 Light
Light energy, light waves, absorbtion, reflection & refraction will be covered this week.
SOCIAL STUDIES = continuing Chapter 9....L2 - We will be doing a special letter writing activity with When Washington Crossed the Delaware.
SPELLING = Lesson 23 and word of the week
ENGLISH = Expository Writing - We have finished our planning "step" sheet for our expository writing. I have encouraged each student to have a conference with a parent with their planning sheet. The students are writing about a person who has had an impact on their life. Their final piece will be submitted in a contest. Ask your child to see the sheet about the contest.
Introduction - This is due Tuesday! The introduction needs to grab the reader's attention and focus on the topic. The children have a great sample sheet to help them!
READING = ISAT preparation.....extended response and multiple choice!
GEOMETRY....Vocab quiz on Tuesday! The students need to study their geometry words from their packets!
Circles-Congruent and Similar Figures-Symmetry will all be covered this week.
Friday = Homework sheet and Chapter 18 review.
Monday, 2/23 = Chapter 18 GEOMETRY Test!