Dear Parents and Students:
Some Reminders: Holiday Service Project - due date for donations is Tuesday, Dec. 8th.
Thanks so much to all of you who have already so generously donated gifts
and gift cards to make this less fortunate family have a wonderful holiday!
Bowling Permission Slips - due before or on Thursday, Dec. 10th
Bowling Field Trip = Thurs. 12/17
Project Challenge - meets Tues. Dec. 8th afterschool
Spelling = Lesson 14 and word of the week
English = Unit 3 Verbs....Lesson 4 "Linking Verbs"
We will be doing a project with linking verbs. The students will begin with a rough draft that will be due Tuesday. Then, we will go over our rough drafts and begin our creative islands with linking verb sentences to describe the island. They will have class time on Tues. and Weds. to work on this. The project can go home on Weds. to be completed by its due date Friday, December 11th.
We will also be doing a review lesson on present tense forms of verbs.
Reading = We are reading the novel, Running Out of Time. We have gone over the questioning strategy and the students are now independently writing their own Right There, Think & Search, and On Your Own questions. We have had some interesting class discussions from the questions they wrote.
We are also practicing summarizing and with this novel writing a cummulative summary.
This week we will be incorporating connecting skills and predicting skills........
The students will begin "Book Club Discussion sheets", which will use all the above mentioned skills, by the end of the week.
SCOOPer Reading = Each student should have one book read and activity completed prior to our holiday break. The goal is for the trimester but you don't want to fall behind!
Social Studies = Chapter 6 continued..... I encouraged each child to bring home their social studies book and review lessons 1,2, and 3. This will make studying a bit easier as we do our last
lesson, lesson 4 "Slavery in the Colonies" this week.
We will go over what to study at the end of the week.
Chapter 6 Test is Tuesday, December 15th
**I am giving this advance notice because I know many students are in the concert on Monday night prior to the test!
Science = continuing Chapter 6 - Lesson 2 "How Do Ecosystems Change Over Time?"
Math = Chapter 5, Lessons 1 & 2 "homework sheet" = Monday.
It will have 5 problems from both wb5.1 & wb 5.2.
Chapter 5 Review is Wednesday.
Chapter 5 Test is Thursday.