Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Week of January 3rd, 2011

Dear Parents,
I hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year!

This week we will begin MAPS testing again. Friday we will be testing from 1:00 - 2:00.

Too Good For Drugs begins this week with an officer from the Dupage County Sheriff's Department.
This is a substance abuse prevention curriculum. There will be a total of 9 lessons that focus on the dangerous substances that are used widely by young people. A letter will be sent home explaining this program in more detail after our first session on Thursday.
At the end of the program, we have a graduation ceremony!


SPELLING: Lesson 14 and word of the week. Spelling work will be due on Thursday.
This week the test will be on Thursday due to no spelling on Friday.

READING: When we come back from break, we will be learning more about the structure of a story through story mapping! Our class will read the story Elena, from our anthology. We will also be having a vocabulary quiz on words from this selection on Monday, January 10th.

~The students did a great job applying their reading comprehension strategies while reading and discussing books for our BOOK CLUBS. We will have one culminating activity where each group will advertise the book they read to the rest of the class.

SCOOPer Reading: Most students have read at least one book and completed an activity.
I hope that the students will read a great book during the winter break and have an activity completed when they return.
We have had a lot of great book shares! This is a way for students to hear about a good book to read!

ENGLISH: We will be writing winter haiku poems. Then, we start Unit 3 -Verbs.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 8 "The Road to War"
We will do Lesson 1 "Trouble over Taxes"
We will learn the School House Rocks song NO MORE KINGS which fits perfectly with this chapter!
The students will participate in a role playing activity which will simulate how the colonists felt about unfairly being taxed....NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!!
Also, we will begin a retelling of important events that led to the American Revolution with a point of view activity....."I am the Patriot....."I am the Loyalist" This activity will be ongoing during the chapter.

SCIENCE: We will continue Chapter 6 Lesson 1.
The students will have a Lesson 1 QUIZ on Friday.
We will be doing a role playing activity with symbiosis and the three different types: mutualism,
parasitism, and commensalism.

Chapter 24
Lesson 2 - Area of squares/rectangles
Lesson 4 - Area of triangles
Lesson 5 - Area of Parallelograms
Lesson 8 - Volume

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Week of December 13, 2010

Dear Parents,
This is our last week of school for 2010! I can hardly believe that time goes by so quickly.
Thanks to the following families for donating snacks, prizes, and/or craft items to our classroom this past week: Alvarez, Dygdon, Gurnic, Brandt, Reynolds, and Herstowski.
I hope I didn't forget anyone.
I appreciate how much this class's parents support our classroom activities.

Some special events this week:
Monday = Holiday concert @ 9:30 in PV gym - Parents are invited.
Holiday concert in the evening at Lakeview too!

Thursday = Bowling 9:00 - 11:00 *students can bring $ for snacks!
Regular lunch will be available when we return.

Friday = Movie @ the Tivoli


SPELLING: Holiday List...words will be given on Tuesday. Work due and test on Friday.

READING:This week we will continue to practice summarizing and predicting with skill pages and fiction reading material.
Monday = no reading due to band concert....
Tuesday = Book Club meeting #2 and discussion sheet due.
Wednesday = read and work on book club discussion sheet....
Thursday = no reading due to bowling...
Friday = Last Book Club meeting and discussion sheet due.

SCOOPer Reading:
I have told the students that they should try to have at least one book read and book activity completed before the break.

ENGLISH: Unit 2 Noun Test = Wednesday!

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 7 Test on Tuesday!

SCIENCE: We are starting Chapter 6 Lesson 1
"How Do Organisms Compete & Survive in an Ecosystem"
There is a project that goes along with this lesson.
We might start this project prior to break.

MATH: Monday = Homework sheet and perimeter review.
Tuesday = Perimeter Test
Wednesday = Logic problem solving and using coordinates. Both with a holiday theme.
Thursday = No math
Friday = fun activity!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Week of December 6th, 2010


*Fruit Snacks
*Goldfish Crackers
*Cheese and Crackers snacks
*Rice Krispie treats
and any HOLIDAY/WINTER stickers or prizes....

THANKS, in advance!!!


SPELLING: Lesson 13 Homophones for regular and challenge lists

This week, all fifth graders will review the skill of drawing conclusions. They will also be introduced to the skill of Author's Purpose. Students will learn how to read a text and decide if it was written to persuade, inform, or entertain. They will use the acronym PIE to help them remember these three important terms.
We will be continuing to summarize, question, predict and connect using student selected literature books for BOOK CLUBS. The students will be completing book club discussion sheets and having discussion group meetings.

Hopefully, all students will have one book read and activity completed prior to our winter break.

Unit 2 NOUNS - singular and plural possessive nouns & appositives
We are finishing this unit and testing on Wednesday, December 15th.

We are finishing Chapter 7.
The students will be getting a "How to Study" sheet and highlighting their notes on Thursday.
They will be writing Hot Seat review game questions on Friday for our review game on Monday.
CHAPTER 7 Test = Tuesday, December 14th.

Chapter 5 review on Monday.
Chapter 5 test on Tuesday.
We will begin Chapter 6 Lesson 1 "How Do Organisms Compete and Survive in an Ecosystem"
We will be doing a project that pertains to this lesson the following week and continue the chapter after break.

Monday = Homework sheet and Quest (quiz/test) on Mean, Median, Mode and Range.
Tuesday = Target review and assessment on the same skills.
Wednesday = Chapter 23 (yes, we are skipping around in the book) Lesson 2 Perimeter
Thursday = Chapter 23 Lesson 3 Perimeter Formulas
Friday = Chapter 223 Lesson 5 Circumference
We will be testing this chapter prior to winter break.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Week of November 29th

Dear Parents,
This week is conference week. I will have a copy of your child's report card. Please think of any questions or concerns you have and would like to discuss.

There is NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY due to parent/teacher conferences.

*Paper Recycling Fundraiser Comes to Prairieview: We are happy to announce we can now raise money for our district by recycling paper! You can help us out, too! Please collect any paper you are going to throw away or recycle (office and school paper, newspaper, magazines and catalogs, and construction paper---no cardboard!) and send it in with your child to school or drop it off at the green and yellow Paper Retriever bin in the Lakeview parking lot (near the fence by the Prairieview playground). The bin is available for drop offs 24/7. The more paper we recycle, the more money we can make! Do something good for our schools AND the environment!
Thank you!

The students of Project Challenge grades 3-5 are participating in a Lion's Club Holiday Drive. We are looking for donations such as new toys, new games, toiletries, and food for the needy families in the Darien area. If you wish to participate you will need to bring the donations in by December 13. Remember that some of these families live right here in Darien. So let's help these families have a happy holiday season. PLEASE DONATE!


SPELLING: Lesson 12 Review lesson and word of the week

SCOOPer READING: I hope that during the Thanksgiving holiday there was a chance to read and work on a book activity. I hope to have a lot of book meetings this week!

READING: We will continue to review summarizing, drawing conclusions, inferring, identifying author generalizations, visualizing, and word work with vocabulary words using our realistic fiction novels until December 2nd.
Next week, we will review main ideas and details using our skills workbook. Our work with extended response will continue as well.
We will be having book club discussions with our novel CRASH. An end of the book activity will be assigned and due on Monday, December 6th.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 7 Fight for a Continent
We will be covering Lesson 1 "The Spanish Move North", Lesson 2 "French Explore Mississippi", and Lesson 3 "French and Indian War".

SCIENCE: We will be learning about the energy pyramid and the 10% rule.
We are finishing this unit and testing on Tuesday, December 7th.

MATH: Mean, Median, Mode and Range
An assessment will be given on Thursday.

The Week of November 29th

Dear Parents,
This week is conference week. I will have a copy of your child's report card. Please think of any questions or concerns you have and would like to discuss.

There is NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY due to parent/teacher conferences.

*Paper Recycling Fundraiser Comes to Prairieview: We are happy to announce we can now raise money for our district by recycling paper! You can help us out, too! Please collect any paper you are going to throw away or recycle (office and school paper, newspaper, magazines and catalogs, and construction paper---no cardboard!) and send it in with your child to school or drop it off at the green and yellow Paper Retriever bin in the Lakeview parking lot (near the fence by the Prairieview playground). The bin is available for drop offs 24/7. The more paper we recycle, the more money we can make! Do something good for our schools AND the environment!
Thank you!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Weeks of Nov. 15th & Nov. 22nd

Dear Parents,
We have officially ended the 1st trimester grading period.
Here are some helpful reminders for success during the 2nd trimester:
*Extra Credit.....
Please remember that here at Prairieview, we suggest that students set a personal goal for the grades they would like to earn each trimester, and then work towards that goal the entire trimester. Therefore, students are NOT given opportunities for extra credit assignments. However, teachers may provide bonus points on various assignments throughout the year.
*Late homework - Trimester 2
1 day late - minus 15%
More than 1 day late until unit test is taken - minus 25%
After unit test is taken - a zero is entered in the grade book

Some important dates....

We are inviting parents to attend this PBIS Recognition Assembly on Monday, November 15th, at 1:45 p.m. where the students will be recognized by local law enforcement officers for their fantastic work on maintaining our core expectations of being respectful, being responsible, and being safe.
Looking forward to see you there!

SCOOPer READING Celebration = Tuesday, November 16th!

Friday, November 19th - Lunch in I.M.C. - I hope to see more students participating! The due date to turn in this slip is Wednesday, November 17th.

Tuesday, November 23rd - Report Cards
No school = Wednesday, Nov. 24th - Friday Nov. 26th - HAPPY THANKSGIVING


SPELLING: Lesson 11 and word of the week

READING: We will continue writing extended responses this week, using questions from our realistic fiction novel - Crash. Furthermore, we will continue to review all the skills we have studied so far this school year, specifically, summarizing, drawing conclusions, inferencing, identifying author generalizations, and visualizing. We are also continuing our word work with vocabulary words.

SCOOPer Reading: Tuesday we are setting our 2nd Trimester goals and the students will receive new book activity choices. It's also our celebration for meeting our 1st Trimester goals!

ENGLISH: Unit 2 Nouns

SOCIAL STUDIES: finishing chapter 4......
The students have been reminded to bring home their textbook and review especially over the weekend. There's a lot of content in this chapter. Have you seen your child reviewing?
If so, send me an e-mail and I would like to reward them for being responsible!!
CHAPTER 4 TEST - Tuesday, November 23rd!

JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT: Our last session will be on Tuesday, November 23rd.
The culminating activity is the students are doing commercials based on a service or product they are selling. Thanks to Mr. and Ms. Paleka for being awesome facilitators!

SCIENCE: continuing chapter 5......your child has "memory" vocabulary cards that they should use for an ongoing review. A family member can participate in this activity or they can play memory on their own.
On Tuesday, November 23rd, Fullersburg Woods will be coming to talk with the 5th graders about ecosystems. They will focus on the concept of food chains and the energy pyramid and how everything in our world is connected. This fits in great with our science chapters 5 and 6.

Chapter 6 Quest (quiz/test) is Tuesday, November 16th.
We are then doing an assessment of material learned in both chapters 5 and 6.
This helps us evaluate who has grasped the concepts that are to be mastered in 5th grade, and who needs additional practice.
We will also be visiting the computer lab this week to play a math problem solving game.
Next week, we will be doing problem solving.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Week of November 8th

Dear Parents,
Important reminders for this week:
~Monday, November 8th = Skating Party
Students attending the roller skating party on Monday, November 8th will need to report to school at 3:45 p.m. to check in and have their hands stamped before boarding the buses. Students should bring their fast pass with them at check in which will go home with them on Monday. Please remember not to park in the bus lanes when dropping your student off and for pick up. Thank you

~Thursday, November 11th = No School - Veteran's Day
~Friday, November 12th = End of Trimester

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
will be picture retake day. Any student that did not have their picture taken prior to this date may do so. They will be required to have a picture envelope with money to have a picture taken. Any student wishing to have a picture retaken will have to return the original picture packet for a retake.

We need Q-tips and buttons for misc. classroom projects.
Scratch n' Sniff stickers
*Goldfish Crackers
*Cheese n Crackers
and any other individually wrapped healthy snacks that are "peanut free"


SPELLING: Lesson 10 and word of the week (worth 1 bonus point for word and definition)

ENGLISH: Monday = Unit 5 "Capitalization & Punctuation" Test
Next we begin - Unit 2 Nouns!

We will begin writing extended responses this week. This skill is taught using a short story called The River and a technique with the acronym IEIEIE which stands for Idea, Evidence, Interpretation, Evidence, Interpretation, Extension. Fifth graders should be familiar with this technique.
we will continue to review all the skills we have studied so far this school year, specifically, summarizing, drawing conclusions, inferencing, identifying author generalizations, and visualizing while reading CRASH.
We are also doing a lot of word work with vocabulary words.

SCOOPer Reading: We will be planning our celebration for meeting our goals. The "party" will be on Tuesday, November 16th......stay tuned....more details to come soon!
The students will be setting their Trimester 2 goals and receive their new book activity packets the week of November 15th.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Colonial Games = Tuesday, November 9th
This week we are doing an activity based on Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac.

SCIENCE: Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 How is Energy Passed Through an Ecosystem

Chapter 6 L1 Rounding Decimals
L2 + & - decimals
L3 Estimate Sums
Friday = Lesson 1-3 review & homework sheet

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Week of November 1st, 2010

Dear Parents,
Thanks to the party and treat moms who went out of their way to make our Halloween celebration festive and SPOOKtacular!
Treats and drinks = Mrs. Brindac, Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Baer.
Party helpers = Mrs. David, Mrs. Herstowski, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Dygdon, Mrs. Brandt & Mrs. Smiles.

Thanks also to the following families for donating goodies to our classroom last
~Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. Dusza, Mrs. Baer, Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Szyptek, and Mrs. Dygdon

If you can donate......(Thanks in advance....)
The classroom needs: scratch n sniff stickers (Let's Learn is the best place to find these!)
Goldfish crackers

Great news:
The students earned a reward party in art class for PAWS earned. Have them explain this to you!

and more Great News..... We had an exciting Trade Fair! Everyone had their homemade items to trade and did a great job participating in this activity. We had lots of fun and it was a great learning experience!

and even more GREAT NEWS..... Our class will be getting a pizza party for turning in the most Box Tops!!! Start collecting again!!!!


SPELLING: Lesson 9 and word of the week....
Work due Thursday and Test Friday

READING: This week, we will review all the skills we have studied so far this school year, specifically, summarizing, drawing conclusions, inferencing, identifying author generalizations, and visualizing while reading CRASH, a realistic fiction novel.

SCOOPer Reading: Monday, November 1st = 1st Trimester goal is due!
All book activities must be completed and turned in.
The students have been given several reminders about this and how only one book activity at a time can be turned in.

ENGLISH: We are finishing Chapter 5 Capitalization and Punctuation - Test is Mon., Nov. 8th

SOCIAL STUDIES: We will be finishing Lesson 3 of Chapter 6.
This means your child can review both lessons 2 and 3!
The students will be getting directions about making a colonial game which will be due Tuesday, Nov. 9th.
JR. ACHIEVEMENT....week # 4 with Mr. and Ms. Paleka

SCIENCE: We are finishing Lesson 1 of Chapter 5.....
Can your child sing the Photosynthesis song to you? "How do plants make their food......

MATH: We are finishing Chapter 5.
Test = Friday, November 5th.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Week of October 25th

Dear Parents,

I'd like to thank Mrs. Dusza for donating snacks to our classroom.
Also, thank you Mrs. David for the Halloween prizes.

Can you donate.....? Thanksssssssss
~Fruit snacks
~Scratch n Sniff stickers
~individual Crystal Lite (or another brand) water flavor packets....any flavor that is light in color
(in case of spills, we don't want to stain the carpet!!!)

~Wednesday, October 27th = Classroom Trade Fair
~Friday, October 29th = Halloween Festivities....
Parade @ 1:00 ....parents are invited to be outside to watch the parade!!!
Party @1:30....a HUGE thanks to Mrs. Brindac, Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. Baer for providing the treats and beverage. Mrs. David, Mrs. Herstowski, Mrs Olsen, Mrs. Dygdon, Mrs. Brandt, and Mrs. Smiles are the classroom party moms. Thanks for all your planning!

*** Students need to bring their costume to school on Friday. The costume might need to be simplified for school purposes since students need to be able to change in a short amount of time. Changing will take place in the classrooms. The fifth grade will have designated classrooms for girls to change in and for boys. Washrooms will not be available for costume changing. No weapons, even fake, are allowed at school.


SPELLING: Lesson 8 frequently misspelled words
Assignments are due Thursday and final test is Friday......word of the week = 1 bonus point on final test!

ENGLISH: Unit 5 continued.....Abbreviations and Titles

READING: During our CORE instruction we are continuing to make analogies. We are also drawing conclusions and making inferences from non-fiction text.

The students will be taking a skills book assessment this week.

We are finishing My Side of the Mountain.
My Side of the Mountain vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.

The students will be given an assessment to see how well they can read a selection and draw conclusions.

We will begin a novel at the end of the week and apply the reading strategies that we have learned thus far this year.

SCOOPer READING.... 1st Trimester goals are due November 1st!!!!!

SOCIAL STUDIES: TRADE FAIR WEDNESDAY......students need to bring back the sheet with a parent signature due Monday or before.
Chapter 6 Lesson 2 = Colonial Cities, Towns, and Farms
Chapter 6 Lesson 3 = Everyday Life in the Colonies
Again, reviewing after each lesson is a great study skill!

SCIENCE: LEAVES for project are due on Monday, November 1st
Your child needs to show you the instructions on how to "prepare" the leaves.
This can not be done last minute!
Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Plant Structures

MATH: Chapter 5
Lesson 1 Decimal Place Value
Lesson 2 Equivalent Decimals
Lesson 3 Compare and Ordering Decimals
Friday = Homework sheet
Your child should not have any Chapter 3 materials in their binder. We are finished with that chapter!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Week of October 18th, 2010

Dear Parents,
Thanks to the following parents for the generous classroom donations:
~Mrs. Gurnic - snacks and Halloween stickers
~Mrs. Brandt - Halloween prizes
~Mrs. Olsen - Halloween prizes
~Mrs. Reynolds - Halloween prizes

I always appreciate donations for our classroom ticket reward program.
Remember, snacks need to be individually wrapped and "peanut free".
We could use more cheese and cracker snacks, fruit snacks, and Rice Krispie treats.

Wednesday, October 20th = Early Dismissal @ 11:00
~Thursday, October 21st = MAPS testing for math (last day of testing!)
~Thursday, October 21st = Book Fair 6:30 - 8:00


Lesson 7 - Work due Thursday! Test = Friday!
Word of the Week and definition = worth 1 bonus point!

READING: Our CORE reading skill this week is analogies. All fifth grade students will learn how to analyze and complete various types of analogies. In addition, all students will begin focusing on the important skills of drawing conclusions and making inferences while reading a fictional text.
We will be reading an excerpt from the book My Side of the Mountain. The students will also be learning new vocabulary words.

SCOOPer READING: The deadline for 1st Trimester is November 1st!

ENGLISH: Unit 5 continued.....Quotations and Abbreviations.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 6 Life in English Colonies
Lesson 1 Working and Trading
We will be having a classroom TRADE FAIR that will be held on Wednesday, October 27th.
The students will receive a direction sheet on Wednesday.
This is a fun activity that replicates what trading was like during colonial times.
Their participation is graded.

SCIENCE: Introductory Unit Test = Tuesday, October 19th.

Jr. Achievement began last Thursday! Jr. Achievement is a not-for-profit organization financed by businesses. The purpose of Jr. Achievement is to educate and inspire students to value free enterprise, business, and economics to improve the quality of their lives. Our volunteers, Ms. and Mr. Paleka, will be visiting our classroom once a week for the next 6 weeks. Ms. Paleka works for Harley Davidson Financial, and Mr. Paleka works for Tellalabs. They have been the volunteers for my classroom for the past 8 years! I'm sure your student will be sharing some of their experiences with this program during the next few weeks!

Homework sheet = Monday
Chapter 3 Test = Tuesday
The rest of the week we will be reviewing chapters 1-3.
To assess their knowledge of these chapters, a "Target Test" will be given.
**The Target Test will not be graded but used to measure mastery of the 5th grade skills and concepts.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Week of October 11th, 2010

Dear Parents,
Thanks to the following parents for their generous classroom donations:
*Mrs. Olsen for popcorn and apple juice that will be enjoyed while watching Pocahontas!
*Mrs. Brandt for popcorn and apple juice, as well as Halloween goodies for our prize box!
*Mrs. Herstowski for a lot of fun Halloween goodies for our prize box!

BOX TOPS.....Will our class win the pizza party? Last turn in date for the first contest is Friday!!!

HALLOWEEN PARTY HELPERS.....if you signed up to help with the Halloween party you will be contacted by our classroom party coordinators: Mrs. Brandt and/or Mrs. Herstowski.
I'd like to thank all of you who are planning the party, bringing goodies, and drinks.

Chicago Wolves Read to Succeed Program starts this week!
~Materials will be sent home on Tuesday, which is when the program begins
~It will run from Oct. 11th - Dec, 3rd.
~Participants will earn a free ticket to a Chicago Wolves hockey game in February.

~Monday, October 11th = Columbus Day - No School
~Thursday, October 21st = Book Fair 6:30 - 8:00
~Friday, October 22nd = Bus Driver Appreciation Day!

MAPtesting: Our class will be testing on Tuesday and Friday from 1:00 - 2:00
There is a new testing system being employed by the district this year. MAP testing stands for Measures of Academic Progress. These tests will be taken beginning next week, in the areas of Reading, Language, and Math. Students will take a series of multiple choice tests in each area on the computer. The program computes a score, which is then placed along a continuum to show each student's individual progress. It will even be able to show what particular areas each student excels at, and what areas they may need some additional support with. We are hopeful that this new system will help make our instruction for our students even better!

And in the Classroom......

Spelling - none this week due to MAP testing

English - Unit 5 continued.....Tuesday = comma project is due.
Next lessons are on INTERJECTIONS and correct use of QUOTATION MARKS.

Reading - We will continue to work on finding the main idea and supporting details in various text. Our understanding of Homonyms/Homophones will be applied in a "punny" activity!

SCOOPer Reading - I continue to be impressed with the books and the activities that are being completed. The students have been sharing many of their activities with the class which also advertises a good book to read!

Social Studies - Chapter 5 Test = Wednesday
We are not starting Chapter 6 until next week.

Science - Test will be on Tuesday, October19th.
We will finish the unit and on Friday the students will receive a study tip sheet!

Math - We only have math on Wednesday and Thursday this week due to MAP testing.
Lesson 3.9 Long Division
Lesson 3.10 Relevant and Irrelevant Information in problem solving
Homework Sheet = Monday, October 18th
Chapter 3 Test = Tuesday, October 19th

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Week of October 4th, 2010

Dear Parents,
You should be checking "parent connect" to see how your child is doing in each subject. We are officially halfway finished with the first trimester. If your child is receiving a grade below a C, a progress report will be mailed to you. If you have concerns at any time regarding your child's progress, please contact me.
Friday, October 1st = Bingo Night
~Monday, October 4th = Lunch in I.M.C. slips due
~Thursday, October 7th = Lunch in I.M.C. with Mrs. Walsh-Rock
~Monday, October 11th = Columbus Day - No School
~Friday, October 15th = Movie Night

Copy helpers this week = (Thanks so much!)
~Weds. 10/6 1:00 Mrs. Alvarez
~Fri. 10/8 8:00 Mrs. Smiles

Can you donate.....we are in need of:
microwave PopSecret popcorn
~apple juice drinks (individual serving)
~pencil grippers
~Halloween stickers
~Halloween theme prizes


Lesson 6 Vowel Changes - Work due Thursday & Test on Friday.
Word of the Week spelled correctly and correct meaning = 1 bonus point!

ENGLISH: Lots of work with commas! We will be doing a creative activity based on the book:
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves at the end of the week.

READING (CORE) HOMEROOM: Homonyms/Homographs and multiple meaning words will be our focus.

READING (Skill group): We will be reading non-fiction text and concentrating on finding the main idea and supporting details in the selection.
We will be playing "I Have, Who has...." with what we have learned about main idea & details.
We will be doing a creative homonym activity using Fred Gwyne picture books!

SOCIAL STUDIES: We are learning about the 13 English Colonies which is our last lesson in Chapter 5.
The students will be filling out a "How to Study Sheet" on Wednesday.
Chapter 5 Test = Wednesday, 10/13.

SCIENCE: Please remember that our science text can be accessed online at Check out the Prairieview page of the district website for instructions on how to access, as well as a quick link to the site!

We are continuing to learn more about the Scientific Method.
We will be doing an investigation/experiment and applying the scientific method.

MATH: Chapter 3 continued.....
Lesson 3.5 Patterns in division
Tuesday = Quiz over Lessons 1-5
Lesson 3.6 Estimate with 2 digit divisors (This tends to be a difficult lesson)
Lesson 3.7 Divididng by 2 digit divisors (This tends to be a difficult lesson)
Friday = Homework sheet

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Week of September 27, 2010

Dear Parents,
This Friday, October 1st we will be halfway through the first trimester. Any student who is receiving a grade lower than a C will receive a progress report notification by mail.
I suggest that everyone should check "parent connect" to look at your child's grades.

Thursday, September 30th = Picture Day.....SMILE!!!


SPELLING: Review Lesson! Work due on Thursday. Final Test on Friday.

ENGLISH: We are skipping to Unit 5 "Capitalization & Punctuation".
This week we will be learning about proper nouns and adjectives, as well as, commas in a series.

READING CORE (HOMEROOM) : We will be understanding generalizations in text and recognizing the difference between fact and opinion.

.......SCOOPer READING.....I have met with almost every student to discuss at least one book they have read and their book activity. By the end of the week, each student should be halfway toward their goal!

READING SKILL GROUP: We will be reading a non-text selection Grizzly Bear Family Book while applying the skills of recognizing generalizations, and the difference between facts and opinions.
We will also be creating commercials which will apply our understanding of the above skills!

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 5 Lesson 2 "New European Colonies" and Lesson 3 "The First Colonies"

SCIENCE: Using science tools open note/book quiz this week!
We will be doing a science activity that applies the tools and inquiry skills we have been learning.
Then, we will be discussing the scientific method.

MATH: Chapter 3 Division
L1 = Estimating with compatible numbers
L2= Dividing by 1 digit numbers with remainders
L3 = Interpreting remainders
L4 = Zeros in the quotient
Friday = Homework sheet!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Week of September 20th

Dear Parents,
If any of you would like to donate to our classroom "goodies".......we could use fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, gushers, etc. I am sure your son/daughter can tell you what the class likes. Thank you in advance for your contributions.
~Friday 9/24 = No school due to Teacher meetings
~Thursday 9/30 = Picture Day!
~Friday 10/1 = 1/2 way through the 1st Trimester!

*Highlights magazine subscription order slips will be sent home this week.
Our classroom gets FREE STUFF just by me advertising this.
In order to get the FREE STUFF, I need the slip with a parent signature returned, even if you are NOT ordering.......Thanks!

*Scholastic Book Orders are being sent home this week too! There is no obligation to order.
Scholastic does offer some great reading selections at great prices.
Please make sure you approve books from the TAB order since some of these selections have "mature" content.


SPELLING: Pretest on Monday. Work due on Thursday. Test on Thursday this week.
Word of the Week and definition = 1 bonus point!

ENGLISH: Unit 1 Test = Thursday

READING/CORE (in homeroom) : This week our core reading group will continue word work with prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
.........SCOOPer READING..... Most students have completed their first book activity. Everyone should have at least one completed by the end of this week!

READING/SKILL BASED GROUP: Tall Tales continued.... We will be learning about similies and how they are an important element in Tall Tales
Next, each student will be planning, writing, and completing a final copy of an original tall tale!

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 5 continued. This week we will learn about Jamestown.
Ask your child what happened to Roanoke Colony?

SCIENCE: Inquiry tools and Skills.

MATH: Multiplication Timed Tests = Thursday is the last day. This counts for a grade.
Quiz over Lessons 4-6 = Tuesday.
Homework Sheet = Wednesday.
Chapter 2 Test = Thursday.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Week of Sept. 13th

Dear Parents,
It was great seeing so many of you at Curriculum Night. I have received all 5th grade policy sheets with student and parent signatures. Please refer to this information as needed.
Remember in 5th grade our "late policy", "extra credit policy", and "not bringing tests home" might be different than in previous years. However, they all align with Lakeview's policies.

We are collecting BOX TOPS this year which is a great fund raiser for our school. The class, per grade level, that brings in the most wins a pizza party and an extra recess.
Will our class be the winning 5th grade class?

Monday, Septemeber 13th - Magazine Drive begins!
Thursday, September 16th - Lakeview band performs for Prairieview @ 12:45
Friday, September 24th - No School due to teacher meetings


SPELLING: Pretest and work assigned Monday. Final test = Friday.

ENGLISH: We will be finishing Unit 1 this week. The final lessons cover conjunctions, writing good sentences, and run-on sentences. Your child has graded assignments that reflect how well they are understanding the concepts in this unit. Please review their progress to determine if they need to be reviewing any of the concepts. At the bottom of the workbook page, it gives the textbook page where the material is explained. This is an excellent on going review.
The test will be the week of Sept. 20th.

SCOOPer Reading: Four students have completed a book, the activity, and shared with Miss Trefonas which means they have a scoop displayed on the bulletin board!

This week, our core reading group will focus on the skill of affixes and roots. An affix is a small word part that can be added to the beginning, middle, or end of a root word. Students will learn the meaning of various affixes and how to put them together with a root word. They will then apply this skill to find the definition of both familiar and unfamiliar words in context.
Our skill - based reading groups will begin on Monday. Students will find out Monday morning who their skill - based reading teacher is.

During skill based reading, we will be using Tall Tales to practice visualization and to look at story structure.

SOCIAL STUDIES: We are finished with Chapter 4! The students know that their test (a.k.a. "celebration of knowledge") is Wednesday, Sept. 15th. They were encouraged to bring home their textbooks over the weekend to reread the chapter. They can also review their notes which should be in their binder. Monday, we will be highlighting our note sheets and filling out a "How to Study" sheet. This sheet is worth 2 bonus points if it's returned and filled out on the test day with a parent signature!
We will begin Chapter 5. The first lesson talks about Roanoke Island and the hard times in Virginia.

SCIENCE: Science Inquiry Tools continued! We will specifically looking at the use of a microscope.

MATH: Chapter 2 Multiplication....
Quiz = Wednesday... covering lessons 1 -3.
Lesson 4 = multiplying by 2 digit numbers.
Homework sheet = Friday. It will have 10 problems chosen from the week's homework assignments,
Multiplication Timed Tests.....ask your child what fact test they are taking Monday.
They need to have a completed practice sheet daily in order to take the timed test(s).

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Week of September 6th

Dear Parents,
We have successfully completed our second week of 5th grade!
Curriculum night = Tuesday, September 7th - 6:30-7:30.
*Presentation begins in the multipurpose room with Mrs. Schultz.
*Sign up for 1st Trimester conferences with homeroom teacher.


SPELLING: Word of the Week will begin this week!
Pretest and work assigned on Tuesday.
Work due Thursday.
Test = Friday.

READING: This week in reading we will be focusing on context clues.
The students will learn how to identify words within the context of a story.

SCOOPer READING: This is our classroom reading incentive program.
Your child hopefullyexplained the program to you and showed you their folder.
They have to set a 1st Trimester goal and have a parent signature.
If you have any questions about how this works, ask your child to show you the sheet in their folder that explains SCOOPer Reading!

ENGLISH: Unit 1 - Sentences
This week we will be reviewing simple subjects and simple predicates.
Project Challenge students will receive enrichment assignments in lieu of the workbook assignment.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 "Different Worlds Collide" & Lesson 3 "Life in New
Spain" The students are taking notes which should be kept in their binder.
These notes will become study materials for the test. Also, graded
assignments need to be kept in their binder for the same reason.

SCIENCE: Introductory chapter on the inquiry tools scientists use.

MATH: The students were given a homework sheet on Friday which will be graded and returned to them on Tuesday. Please make sure you ask to see this. I give students the opportunity to correct any homework we graded together in class prior to giving the homework sheet. Homework sheets are usually given on Friday, unless I announce a different day to the class. I typically give one homework sheet worth 10 points a week.
Chapter 1 Test = Wednesday.
Next, we begin multiplication timed tests. A parent letter will be coming home next week regarding our timed tests.
Chapter 2 = Multiplication.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Week of August 30th

Dear Parents,
We have had a great first week of school! I have enjoyed getting to know the students and am looking forward to a wonderful year. Just a reminder…Curriculum Night for Fifth grade is Thursday, September 7th at 6:30 at Prairieview. You will be able to sign up for conferences that evening. I look forward to seeing all of you!

Thanks to all the parents who have donated snacks and goodies to the classroom for our "ticket" reward program!

Book orders are being sent home on Monday. I am sending home the Arrow order that goes up to a 6th grade level in their book selections. I also send home the Tab order which is 7th grade and above. Please know that some of the selections in the Tab order are intended for more mature readers. I always ask that parents approve the book selections of your children. If you would like to order please make checks payable to Scholastic. You may also send in cash, but please make sure it is exact change. If ordering from both Arrow and Tab the totals can be combined!
Orders are due on Friday.

All 4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to sign up for Intramural Games. This is a "free" after school program that allows your child to stay active. Permission slips will be sent out next week. Please return these to Mrs. Cushing by Friday, September 3rd.

Due to the number of peanut allergies in fifth grade we are asking that all snacks be nut free. Thank you for your help.

Reading: This week we will review and discuss the following reading strategies: predicting, inferring, decoding, clarifying, questioning, evaluating, and summarizing. The students will listen to a read-aloud story entitled The Pumpkin Box to apply these strategies.

English: In English we will begin with the unit "The Sentence." Students are reviewing the four types of sentences along with how to find the subject and predicate of a sentence. They will also be introduced to simple subjects and simple predicates. We are in need of old magazines for a project later in the week. If you have any please send them in.

Spelling: A pretest will be given every Monday. The spelling work will be assigned on Monday. Students will be given a word list to keep in their binder. Students who receive 95% or better will receive a challenge list and an alternative list of spelling activities to choose from. The spelling assignment for the regular list (workbook pages) and the challenge list will be due Thursday. The first spelling test will be this Friday.

Science: In science we will begin our unit, "Getting Ready for Science" The students will become familiar with the tools scientists use. We will also learn what inquiry skills scientists use.

Social Studies: In social studies we are beginning chapter 4 "Spain Builds an Empire." The students will learn how Columbus's voyages led to a European settlement of the Americas and an exchange of people , animals, goods, and ways of life between East and West.

Miss Trefonas's Math Class
This week in math we will begin chapter one, Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction. The students will review place value through millions. We will also learn how to compare and order whole numbers along with rounding and estimation sums and differences. The students will be filling out their first homework sheet on Friday. The homework sheet is a template where 10 different problems are chosen directly from the assignments given during the week. The students have the opportunity to fix homework assignments after we have graded them in class prior to the homework sheet being given.

Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Miss Trefonas

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Dear Students and Parents:
I look forward to meeting all of you at Open House on Monday, August 23rd.
Open House at Prairieview is from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. You may bring your school supplies.
Parents, I have sign up sheets for party helpers, field trip chaperones.... etc.
I also am looking for any parent(s) who can be a copy helper.
If there is something specific you would like to volunteer for, email me and I will sign you up!
Enjoy your weekend! See you on Monday!
Miss Trefonas

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Miss Trefonas's 2009-2010 5th grade Class

May 2010

Dear Students and Parents,

WOW! Where does time go? The students in my 2009-2010 5th grade class have definitely made this saying true: “Time flies when you are having fun!” As much as I am looking forward to summer activities, I'm not looking forward to saying good-bye to this year's students.


The school year has been filled with many fond memories. The books that have been read this year has been incredible. I think the overall favorite read aloud was Regarding the Fountain by Kate Klise. A fantastic accomplishment this year was that many of the students met their SCOOPer Reading goals for all three trimesters! Some other memorable moments were the Trade Fair, Junior Achievement skits, School House Rocks songs, T.G.F.D. with Deputy K., Karina being a Spelling Bee Champion, Susan's China shares, Book Clubs, Narrative writing / Creative writing stories being read aloud, tickets, the talent shows, band & choir concerts, the games Megan's dad invented, Word Quest and Flick Tac Toe, the incredible class discussions we had while reading Jacob's Rescue, Daniel's conversations about turbines and politics, Anne of Green Gables, Stories with Holes, and I could just go on and on!!!!


I am proud of each student and know that they are moving on to 6th grade with independent work skills and study habits which will help them succeed at the junior high and beyond. The ability to work with one another and be able to listen, contribute ideas, and get the “task at hand” accomplished was demonstrated repeatedly as the year progressed. This says a lot about each and every student whose goal was to do their best.


With confidence, I feel each and every student from this class has the potential to achieve great things as they go on to Lakeview, high school, and hopefully higher education. I look forward to keeping in touch and hearing about future successes and achievements.


In closing, I would like to thank the parents for letting me be a part of your child's life for the past nine months. As we leave for the last time on Wednesday, June 2nd, I hope that the children will have at least one lasting memory of our time together.


I have 25 very special memories of this year!



e-mail =

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Weeks of May 24th, 2010 & May 31st

Dear Parents,
Believe it or not this will be our last full week of 5th grade!
Some reminders:
~Thursday, 5/27 = 5th grade end of the year celebration
and SCOOPer Reading Party!!!
~Friday, 5/28 Bowling = may bring $ for snacks
Monday, 5/31 = Memorial Day - No school
Tuesday, 6/1 = School Picnic and special concert
Wednesday, 6/2 = LAST DAY - 9:30 Dismissal
SPELLING: Words of the Week L - Z = ABC book project due Friday and test Friday.
READING: Anne of Green Gables..... We will be watching the movie and responding in a journal after each episode This is based on the best-selling novel and is a fictional portrayal of an orphan who is adopted by an elderly brother and sister to help with the farm work. They are expecting to adopt a boy, but Anne arrives instead. This is a humorous and endearing tale of the many experiences of an adolescent.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 12 Lesson 3 "A Struggle for Reformers"
SCIENCE: Chapter 15 continued.....We will be learning about different forms of energy and changing forms of energy.
MATH: We are not starting a new chapter but will be reviewing material, doing logic matrix puzzles, and doing math activities in the computer lab.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Week of May 17th

Dear Parents,
Some reminders.......
*Monday, May 17th - Parent Night at Lakeview
*Monday, May 17th - Our class goes to Lakeview for summer reading program book check out!
*Tuesday, May 18th - 5th grade visit and orientation at Lakeview @ 1:15!
*Thursday, May 20th - Prairieview Cadet Band and Choir performance 1:00 (parents may attend)
*Monday, May 17th and Friday, May 21st = Choir Field Trip 12:30 - 2:00
SPELLING: Words of the Week - Letters A - M
ABC booklet for letters A-M due Friday. Test = Friday
ENGLISH: We will be finishing adverbs this week and taking the ADVERB test on Friday.
We will also do creative NARRATIVE writing.
READING: Jacob's Rescue end of book activity "Bio-Poems" is due Monday.
We will be continuing to use reading strategies and skills through some miscellaneous activities this week.
SCOOPer Reading: Due date is this Friday, May 21st.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 12 "Times of Change" - Lesson 1 "U.S. Turns 50"
Lesson 2 "A New Kind of Revolution"
SCIENCE: Chapter 15 Energy - We will learn about potential and kinetic energy this week.
MATH: Chapter 7 - Lesson 2 Patterns in Decimals - Lesson 3 Multiplying Decimals -
Lesson 5 Estimating Products
This is another short chapter.
Chapter 7 test = Thursday, May 20th

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Week of May 10, 2010

Dear Parents,
A big thank you to all of you who did so many nice things during Teacher Appreciation Week. I am very thankful to work in a community with such thoughtful parents.
*Failure notices issued this week.
*Spring Concert = Monday, May 10th 7 - 8 pm at Lakeview
*Bubble Wonder Assembly = Tuesday during school @ 10:00
*Lakeview musical Oklahoma - 5th grade goes to dress rehearsal @ LV - Thursday 1:00
*Early Dismissal = Friday, May 14th 11:00

SPELLING: Lesson 34 - This will be our last lesson in our regular spelling workbook.
Next, we will be completing an activity and tests with words of the week.
ENGLISH: Adverbs......Comparing with adverbs and deciding whether a word is used as an adjective or an adverb. Also, we will be doing some revising work with adverbs.
READING: We continue to practice the reading strategies and skills we have learned this year while reading Jacob's Rescue. We have had very insightful discussions about the Holocaust and what life was like during this time in history. They will be receiving grades on participation and comprehension questions.
SCOOPer Reading: May 21st is the deadline! We have had great book shares this week!
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 11 Lesson 3 "Another War with Britain"
Chapter 11 Test = Friday, May 14th.
SCIENCE: Chapter 14 Test is Tuesday. The students have known about this test for a week and we are doing a lot of review. I want to let you know this due to the concert being the night before the test.
MATH: Chapter 24 is another short chapter. This past week we learned about the area of squares and rectangles (lesson 24.2), the area of triangles (lesson 24.4), and the area of parallelograms (lesson 24.5). Monday, we will learn about volume (lesson 24.8),
Tuesday - review
Wednesday - Chapter 24 test *Calculators and notes with formulas will be allowed!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Week of May 3, 2010

Dear Parents,
~Many students will have their projects we made during our China unit (dragons, pandas, lanterns) on display at the Panda Express in Darien. Hopefully, you can stop in sometime in the next week or two and see their work as a restaurant decoration. Please let an employee know that your child is the artist, because they usually do a little something special for them.
~Students from Project Challenge have started a fundraiser for the ASPCA, a foundation to stop animal cruelty. The kids will be selling Smencils® (scented pencils) for a 1.00 each. The pencils will be sold each morning in the grade level areas. The sales will start Friday April 30th and go through May 28th.
We will track our sales on the bulletin board by the multi-purpose room. For every twenty dollars we raise, one food bowl will go up on the bulletin board. So please help save our animals. Buy Smencils.
*MONDAY, MAY 10th = Spring Concert @ LV 7-8pm
*TUESDAY, MAY 11th = Bubble Wonder assembly during school. 5th grade = 10:00!
*THURSDAY, MAY 13th= 5th grade goes to LV to see the musical/rehearsal for Oklahoma!
*FRIDAY, MAY 14th= Early Dismissal - PV = 11:00
Lesson 33 and word of the week
ENGLISH: finishing Pronouns.....TEST = Wednesday, May 5th
READING: We continue to use the reading comprehension strategies and skills that we have learned throughout the year. We are had our final BOOK CLUB meeting this past week and the end of the book project - Flap Books are due on Monday.
Nest, we will begin a class literature book Jacob's Rescue. This is a book on the Holocaust based on a true story.
SCOOPer Reading: The due date is May 21st!
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 11 continued.......This week we will be doing some enrichment activities about Lewis and Clark's adventure as the United States expands westward with the Louisiana Purchase.
Test date = Friday, May 14th
SCIENCE: We are finishing and reviewing Chapter 14! Test date = Tuesday, May 11th
MATH: Chapter 23 Perimeter
This is a short chapter. Monday = Homework sheet.
We are having a test on Tuesday! It will cover lessons 23.2, 23.3, and 23.5.
Next, we will be learning about area - Chapter 24.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Week of April 26, 2010

Dear Parents:
~Friday, April 23rd - I am proud of Vishal and Karina for preforming in the 5th grade talent show! Vishal's talent = Bollywood Dancing & Karina's talent = singing!
~Dr. Tiede will be a guest reader in our classroom on Monday, April 26th!
~Project Challenge meets afterschool on Tuesday, April 27th!
~Don't forget about the P.T.O. fundraiser at Vesuvio's Italian restaurant which ends at the end of the month. You may get the flyer on our website which you present at dinner and they donate money back to the school! It's good food!
SPELLING: Lesson 32 and word of the week
ENGLISH: Unit 6 Pronouns - contractions, double subjects, using we & us correctly, and homophones. We will be testing next week!
We are also continuing to share our persuasive essays aloud. We have had many interesting conversations and debates over the various topics the students chose to write about!
READING: We continue to emphasize and perfect the reading strategies and skills we have learned through out the year while reading literature books as part of a "book club".
The students are doing a great job with their summarizing, questioning, connecting, and predicting skills. They also are learning new vocabulary as they read and discuss their book.
Friday, April 23rd = Book Club meeting #1 (reading and discussion sheet)
Tuesday, April 27th = Book Club meeting #2 (reading and discussion sheet).
SCOOPer Reading: The deadline is May 21st. We have had some excellent book shares!
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 11 continued.....We will be discussing the Louisiana Purchase and learning about the expedition of Lewis and Clark.
SCIENCE: Chapter 14 continued.......Chemical changes and reactions!
MATH: Chapter 22 homework sheet on Monday, April 26th
Chapter 22 test review on Monday, April 26th
Chapter 22 test = Tuesday, April 27th
*measurement conversion sheet is allowed!
Next, we will begin Chapter 23 - Perimeter!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Week of April 19, 2010

Dear Parents:
I am writing this blog Thursday morning (4/15/10) and hoping to see most of you at our Prarieview Open House/Book Fair tonight from 6:30 -8:00pm. Your child has a lot of work on display in the classroom. Hopefully, the students will proudly show off their hard work!
*Important Dates = Tuesday, April 20th is our halfway point of 3rd trimester. A progress report will be mailed home to any student receiving less than a C in any subject. Please take time to go on to parent connect and check your child's grades.
*Early Dismissal = Thursday, April 22nd = 11:00
SPELLING: Lesson 31 and word of the week
ENGLISH: Unit 6 Pronouns - object pronouns, using I and me correctly, and possessive pronouns
READING: We are reinforcing the reading strategies learned this year as we complete Toliver's Secret. The children will be doing a culminating activity which will emphasize the details of a scene or setting from the book. They will be creating a setting corner.
Next, we will continue to work on the reading strategies of summarizing, questioning, and predicting, as we do "Book Clubs". The child will have select a book to read and be part of a group reading the same novel. They will work on each of these reading strategies independently as they complete a book club discussion sheet which they will use during their book meetings.
The first book meeting will be Friday, April 23rd.
SCOOPer READING: I continue to be impressed with the students' book selections and enjoy meeting with them discussing the book and the book activity. They should be halfway done with their goal.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 11 Lesson 1 "Washington as President" and Lesson 2 "Thomas Jefferson Looks West"
SCIENCE: We will be learning about mixtures and solutions and more about phsysical changes.
MATH: Chapter 22 measurement continued.....
Lesson 5 Metric capacity and weight
Lesson 7 Elapsed time
Lesson 8 Temperature
We will be testing the following week.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Week of April 12, 2010

Dear Parents:

Some reminders......

~Open House/Book Fair = Thursday, April 15 6:30-8:00 pm

~GEOSPACE with the DuPage Children's Museum here at PV on Weds. April 14th!

Parent helpers = Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Kling, and Mrs. Stanuch. Please be here at 8:15! Thanks!

~Early Dismissal = Thursday, April 22nd @ 11:00




SPELLING: lesson 30 and word of the week


ENGLISH: Persuasive writing......we will be typing our final copies on Monday. Students

should have all their editing and proofreading done for Monday.

A Persuasive Prompt that will be written in class will be given this week.

Next, we go back to our English books and begin our unit on Pronouns.


READING: We are reinforcing all the reading strategies covered during the year while reading
Toliver's Secret. Vocabulary words and picking the correct definition based on the word's context is also being reinforced while reading this literature book.

SCOOPer READING: We will be halfway through the trimester this week which means your child should be at least halfway towards meeting their 3rd trimester goal!


SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 10 test = Wednesday, April 14th

As a culminating activity for Chapters 9 and 10 we will be watching National Treasure!


SCIENCE: We will be learning about physical changes.


MATH: We are not having math until Thursday this week due to our GeoSpace programs in our homerooms.

We will be reviewing Chapter 22 Lessons 1-3 and doing Lesson 4 "customary capacity/weight"

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Week of April 5, 2010

Dear Parents:
~Enjoy Spring Break the week of March 29th! School Resumes Monday, April 5th!
~Hannah Orleans math placement test for Lakeview = Thursday, April 8th
~T.G.F.D. Graduation = Friday, April 9th @ 9:00 - parents and family members are invited!
~Geo-Space = Weds. April 14th = In class, fieldtrip with DuPage Children's Museum facilitators
Parent Volunteers = Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Kling, and Mrs. Stanuch (please be here at 8:00)
~OPEN HOUSE = Thursday, April 15th 6:30 -8:00
SPELLING: Lesson 30 and word of the week
ENGLISH: Persuasive Writing continued....Has your child shared any of the persuasive articles we have read and had class debates over? Ask them how they feel about wearing a school uniform or having an extended school day.
This week the students will be picking a prompt to write about as we discuss persuasive writing elements like types of intoductions and types of supporting details.
We will be writing the Persuasive in class during the week and revising/proofreading by the end of the week.
READING: This week we will focus on summmarizing and questioning as we begin a literature unit on Toliver's Secret.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 10 Lesson 3 "Ratifying the Constitution" The students need to MEMORIZE the preamble for this chapter's test. Anyone who has it memorized prior to the test date (not set yet) and recites it in front of the class will get a special Preamble pencil that they may use on the test! The may perform the preamble as a solo, a duet, or in a group of three.
We will be reading the information in the textbook and taking notes in an "Important Book".
SCIENCE: We will be learning about solids, liquids, and gases.
MATH: Chapter 22 Measurement
We will be learning about customary length and metric length.
We will be learning how to convert these linear units, as well as, adding and subtracting them.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Week of March 22, 2010

Dear Parents:
~NaperSettlement Field Trip = Tuesday, March 23rd. Students (and chaperones) need a sack lunch and drink. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. We will be outside during the field trip.
Chaperones = Froats, Balinski, and Dourdourekas.
~After school Project Challenge = Tuesday, March 23rd
~Spring Break = The week of March 29th!
~SAVE THIS DATE = Friday, April 9th Too Good For Drugs Graduation - 9:00 Prairieview gym. Parents are invited!
SPELLING = Lesson 28 and word of the week
READING = As we continue our study of China, we will be focusing on non fiction text to practice the reading strategy of clarifying. The students will be using the research to make a China Travel Brochure. Class time is being given on Thurs. 3/18 and Fri. 3/19.
Travel Brochure is due Tuesday, March 23rd.
SCOOPer Reading = I have met with several students that have completed book activities towards their 3rd trimester goal. Many students have done book shares with the class recommending great books to read!
ENGLISH = Persuasive writing......The students will read some different Persuasive articles that have to do with soda machines in schools to raise money for student activities, longer school days, and school uniforms. While reading these articles we will discuss the elements of a persuasive article and the pro's and con's of each issue.
The following week the students will begin the writing process of a persuasive prompt.
SOCIAL STUDIES = continuing Chapter 10 with Lesson 2 "Debate in Philadelphia" and Lesson 3 "Ratifying the Constitution".
With Lesson 3, the students will be learning the Preamble......we will be singing along with School House Rock. The students will need to have the Preamble memorized for the Chapter 10 test.
SCIENCE = This week we will be learning about solids, liquids, and gasses.
MATH = Chapter 14 Lesson 3 addition and subtraction of mixed numbers, Lesson 4 subtraction of mixed numbers with renaming, and Lesson 5 more addition and subtaction of mixed numbers.
Friday, March 26th = Quest (quiz/test) and homework sheet!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Week of March 15, 2010

Dear Parents:
*No School = Friday, March 12th
*Roller Skating Party = Monday, March 15
*NaperSettlement Field Trip = Tuesday, March 23rd
chaperones = Balinski, Froats, and Dourdourekas
*Project Challenge = Tuesday, March 23rd
*Geo-Space program - Dupage Children's Museum facilitates the program here at Prairieview.
$ needs to be brought to school in an envelope on/before Friday, March 26th.
The students will receive the information sheet on Monday!
1 day late - minus 25%
More than one day late until test is taken - minus 50%
After Unit is done - ZERO in grade book
SPELLING: Lesson 26 review unit (no word of the week) Friday test = multiple choice format.
READING: We are continuing to work on the reading strategy of Clarifying with nonfiction text.
We are researching China and taking notes on an outline which uses the skills of main idea/supporting details. We will be creating a travel brochure with all our information.
ENGLISH: We will be doing activities with our China unit.
~Acrostic China poems
~Chinese proverbs
~and some other activities......
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 9 test = Tuesday, March 16th
Chapter 10 "Life in a New Nation" Lesson 1 We will learn about the problems the newly formed United States had because of a weak government.
SCIENCE: Unit E - Chapter 14 Matter
We will be learning about atoms, molecules, and the periodic table.
T.G.F.D. This is our last week with Officer K. The students will be assigned a written activity which will count as a science grade. This will require the students to apply information they have learned over the past weeks in a letter.
We will be having a Too Good For Drugs Graduation.
Parents will be invited. I will let you know as soon as a date has been assigned.
MATH: Chapter 19 Quest (quiz/test) = Monday, March 15th which will cover lessons 19.1, 19.2, 19.4, and 19.6.
The students will also be given a "homework sheet" on Monday which will include problems from each of these lessons.
Textbook p. 534 is a great review page, as well as, the V.I.P. sheets in their binder and the Chapter 19 packet.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Week of March 8, 2010

Dear Parents:

*We are finished with ISAT testing except for absent student makeup testing!

Thanks to all the parents who provided treats and drinks during ISAT testing!

*This week we have parent/teacher conferences.

*Report Cards = Tuesday!

*No SCHOOL on Friday!


Thursday is our SCOOPer Reading celebration! Thanks to everyone who is contributing

snacks for our celebration. Congratulations to your child for reading and meeting their goal!




SPELLING: Lesson 25 and word of the week. The workbook is due Thursday, and the test is on Thursday.


The stragegy we are focusing on is clarifying by identifying main idea and supporting details.
We are beginning a research unit on China. The children will be using nonfiction resources including the internet to gather facts. The facts will be used to create a travel brochure as a final project.

We will also be focusing on PANDAS this week and doing a creative project "Pandas on Parade".


SCOOPer READING: The students have set their third trimester goals and have received new packets for book activities.


ENGLISH: This will be integrated with our China unit.


SOCIAL STUDIES: We are finishing Chapter 9 this week. Wednesday we will be hilighting our notes for studying. The Chapter 9 test is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16th.


SCIENCE: Unit E Matter and Energy


MATH: Chapter 19 "Plane and Solid Figures"

Lesson 1 = Classifying triangles

Lesson 2 = Classifying Quadrilaterals

skipping Lesson 3

Lesson 4 = Solid Figures

skipping Lesson 5

Lesson 6 = Nets for Solid Figures

**A QUEST (quiz/test) is scheduled for Monday, March 15th which will cover the above lessons