Friday, September 10, 2010

The Week of Sept. 13th

Dear Parents,
It was great seeing so many of you at Curriculum Night. I have received all 5th grade policy sheets with student and parent signatures. Please refer to this information as needed.
Remember in 5th grade our "late policy", "extra credit policy", and "not bringing tests home" might be different than in previous years. However, they all align with Lakeview's policies.

We are collecting BOX TOPS this year which is a great fund raiser for our school. The class, per grade level, that brings in the most wins a pizza party and an extra recess.
Will our class be the winning 5th grade class?

Monday, Septemeber 13th - Magazine Drive begins!
Thursday, September 16th - Lakeview band performs for Prairieview @ 12:45
Friday, September 24th - No School due to teacher meetings


SPELLING: Pretest and work assigned Monday. Final test = Friday.

ENGLISH: We will be finishing Unit 1 this week. The final lessons cover conjunctions, writing good sentences, and run-on sentences. Your child has graded assignments that reflect how well they are understanding the concepts in this unit. Please review their progress to determine if they need to be reviewing any of the concepts. At the bottom of the workbook page, it gives the textbook page where the material is explained. This is an excellent on going review.
The test will be the week of Sept. 20th.

SCOOPer Reading: Four students have completed a book, the activity, and shared with Miss Trefonas which means they have a scoop displayed on the bulletin board!

This week, our core reading group will focus on the skill of affixes and roots. An affix is a small word part that can be added to the beginning, middle, or end of a root word. Students will learn the meaning of various affixes and how to put them together with a root word. They will then apply this skill to find the definition of both familiar and unfamiliar words in context.
Our skill - based reading groups will begin on Monday. Students will find out Monday morning who their skill - based reading teacher is.

During skill based reading, we will be using Tall Tales to practice visualization and to look at story structure.

SOCIAL STUDIES: We are finished with Chapter 4! The students know that their test (a.k.a. "celebration of knowledge") is Wednesday, Sept. 15th. They were encouraged to bring home their textbooks over the weekend to reread the chapter. They can also review their notes which should be in their binder. Monday, we will be highlighting our note sheets and filling out a "How to Study" sheet. This sheet is worth 2 bonus points if it's returned and filled out on the test day with a parent signature!
We will begin Chapter 5. The first lesson talks about Roanoke Island and the hard times in Virginia.

SCIENCE: Science Inquiry Tools continued! We will specifically looking at the use of a microscope.

MATH: Chapter 2 Multiplication....
Quiz = Wednesday... covering lessons 1 -3.
Lesson 4 = multiplying by 2 digit numbers.
Homework sheet = Friday. It will have 10 problems chosen from the week's homework assignments,
Multiplication Timed Tests.....ask your child what fact test they are taking Monday.
They need to have a completed practice sheet daily in order to take the timed test(s).