Wow! What an eventful beginning of February we have had! This snowstorm is one we will all remember. I can't recall the last time we had two snow days off from school in a row.
All this hype about the snowstorm, is there still a Superbowl game being played?
I guess most of us want to forget that we could of....should of....been watching the Bears play in the big game. Being a Cubs fan, I am used to saying, "There's always next year!"
Monday, Feb. 14th = Valentine's Day!! Thanks to all the moms who have been busy planning and organizing the party for our classroom. Students are encouraged to bring in Valentines to pass out.
Please make sure that your child has one for every student in the class and that they are appropriate. There are no candy Valentines allowed to be passed out or any candy at all.
Students may pass out a non candy item with their Valentines if they would like.
Thanks to Mrs. Brindac and Mrs. Gurnic for the classroom "goodies" you donated!!!!
SPELLING: Lesson 19 VCCCV pattern and word of the week!
READING: We are practicing writing an extended response using a nonfiction genre. This will help us succeed when taking the ISAT tests! We will be identifying cause and effect relationships using a variety of instructional materials. We will be applying these skills as we finish our novel study - Toliver's Secret. As a culminating activity, the students will be doing skits on a scene in the novel, which will also reinforce cause and effect!
SCOOPer Reading:
Our goal due date is about a month away!! I have reviewed with each student what their goal is and how many books/activities they have completed thus far.
**Don't forget the Read to Succeed - Six Flags reading sheets are due Feb. 17th! A free ticket just for reading and filling out the sheet with a parent signature!
ENGLISH: We are finishing our Linking Verb Island shares. I am grading and entering the grades after each student shares theirs. We are also finishing our letter writing "Love Letters"!
Furthermore, we have more work to do in our verb unit....Unit 3.
We will finish verb tenses and work on verb agreement.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 8 Lesson 3 continued.....
We have read and discussed Paul Revere's Ride, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, where the first shot was fired during the American Revolution, and next we will read about the Battle of Bunker Hill. We are taking notes on "puzzle pieces". These notes will be very helpful when we write about these events for our PATRIOT/LOYALIST project.
Class time will be given for typing and illustrating our PATRIOT/LOYALIST project on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The entire project including the cover is due Friday!
The students will be given their HOW TO STUDY sheet on Thursday, reviewing on Friday, and testing on Monday, Feb. 14th.
SCIENCE: We will be starting Unit E Matter and Energy.
TOO GOOD FOR DRUGS: Session 4 this week. Your child will have interesting information to share with you.
MATH: Chapter 18 Geometry Test = Monday
Target Test Review and Symmetry project = Tuesday
Target Test and finishing Symmetry project = Wednesday
Chapter 4 Algebra Expressions and Equations Lesson 1 = Thursday
Lesson 2 Order of Operations = Friday
READING: We are practicing writing an extended response using a nonfiction genre. This will help us succeed when taking the ISAT tests! We will be identifying cause and effect relationships using a variety of instructional materials. We will be applying these skills as we finish our novel study - Toliver's Secret. As a culminating activity, the students will be doing skits on a scene in the novel, which will also reinforce cause and effect!
SCOOPer Reading:
Our goal due date is about a month away!! I have reviewed with each student what their goal is and how many books/activities they have completed thus far.
**Don't forget the Read to Succeed - Six Flags reading sheets are due Feb. 17th! A free ticket just for reading and filling out the sheet with a parent signature!
ENGLISH: We are finishing our Linking Verb Island shares. I am grading and entering the grades after each student shares theirs. We are also finishing our letter writing "Love Letters"!
Furthermore, we have more work to do in our verb unit....Unit 3.
We will finish verb tenses and work on verb agreement.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 8 Lesson 3 continued.....
We have read and discussed Paul Revere's Ride, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, where the first shot was fired during the American Revolution, and next we will read about the Battle of Bunker Hill. We are taking notes on "puzzle pieces". These notes will be very helpful when we write about these events for our PATRIOT/LOYALIST project.
Class time will be given for typing and illustrating our PATRIOT/LOYALIST project on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The entire project including the cover is due Friday!
The students will be given their HOW TO STUDY sheet on Thursday, reviewing on Friday, and testing on Monday, Feb. 14th.
SCIENCE: We will be starting Unit E Matter and Energy.
TOO GOOD FOR DRUGS: Session 4 this week. Your child will have interesting information to share with you.
MATH: Chapter 18 Geometry Test = Monday
Target Test Review and Symmetry project = Tuesday
Target Test and finishing Symmetry project = Wednesday
Chapter 4 Algebra Expressions and Equations Lesson 1 = Thursday
Lesson 2 Order of Operations = Friday