Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Week of November 14th and 21st, 2011

Dear Parents,

Some reminders....
Monday 11/14/11 - Robert Crown Parent Night 7-8:30 at Prairieview
Wednesday 11/16/11 Magic Story Teller Assembly 9:30 am (Parents are always welcome.)
Friday 11/18/11 - End of 1st Trimester

Tuesday 11/22/11 - ROBERT CROWN Fieldtrip
*Students need to bring a sack lunch. Milk will be available.

Wednesday11/23 - Friday11/25 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Holiday


SPELLING: Lesson 11 - The week of November 14th. No Spelling the week of November21st.

ENGLISH: Introduction to the Traits of Writing....

READING: Night of the Twisters.... We are finishing the book and will be doing an end of the book activity. We will also be watching the movie and doing a book/movie comparison.

SCOOPer Reading: 1st Trimester goals are due MONDAY, November 14th.
Many students have reached their goal already! I have given many reminders about reaching their goal throughout the trimester. Students are allowed to turn in one book activity at a time.
This is not a problem if they have read the book and did the activity upon completing the book.
This allows time for me to meet with them as they have started a new book.
We will be planning our SCOOPer READING CELEBRATION for all who met their goal.
STAY tuned for the date......
The students will be choosing a "theme" to our celebration and we will watch a movie.

2nd Trimester goals and book activities.....The week of Nov. 28th!

SCIENCE: Many students wanted to share their weather projects so we have not yet started Chapter 12 Oceans. The students sure have learned a lot about weather!
We will begin Chapter 12 by investigating the difference in temperature of salt water and regular water.

Chapter 6 Lesson 2 Colonial Cities, Towns and Farms and Lesson 3 Everyday Life in the Colonies
The students will be learning about colonial games that children played.
Each student will be creating one of these games for a group to play. They will get these instructions on Monday, 11/21 and it will be due Monday, 11/28.

Monday 11/14 = Chapter 6 review
Tuesday 11/15 = Chapter 6 test
Next, we will be doing some lessons from Chapter 9 that go over MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, and RANGE. Also, we will be doing some problem solving as extended responses to prepare for ISAT tests.