Friday, August 30, 2013

The Week of September 3rd, 2013

Dear Parents,
     We have completed our first three days of 5th grade! The children have organized and put away all their supplies, as well as, shared many things about themselves during our classroom getting acquainted activities.
This week we will be getting more into a routine as we start each subject.  The student handbook still needs to be reviewed in our homeroom.  Your child will then bring a slip home that they and you need to sign saying that the rules in the Prairieview student handbook have been discussed and will be followed!

Thanks to all of you who have sent in a box of fruit snacks (any variety) and individual juice drinks (any variety).  If you haven't yet, they can be sent in at your convenience!!!

NEXT WEEK.......
MAPs TESTING :  Wed. Math @ 8:05 and Thurs. Reading @ 10:30

                             We will also be doing AIMS WEB bench marking which gives us a measure of your child's reading fluency, as well as, two short timed math tests will be given in our homeroom to collect data on your child's math ability.
All these assessments give us data to help meet your child's educational needs!


SPELLING:  Lesson 1 - If your child passes the pretest with zero or only one incorrect word they will be 
given a Challenge list for the week as an alternate spelling list and an alternate assignment will be given.
If they are on Regular words, they will complete three workbook pages.
Spelling work is due Thursday.  Final Test is given on Friday.
(A pretest that determines which word list and spelling work your child will complete is given on the first day of each week.)

ENGLISH:  We will be writing a descriptive "Summer Memory", reviewing parts of speech by doing a "Mad Lib" style activity, and beginning prepositions.

READING:  We will be sharing our autobiographical poems and doing some oral reading activities.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Scavenger Hunt on Tuesday using our social studies text!!!!! Then, we begin with Chapter 4 which we will learn about the voyages of Columbus and the Columbian Exchange.

SCIENCE:  We will be doing some "warm up" activities to begin our scientific thinking process....
Your scientist will have to share what we did.....I can't say more or it will give away "secrets"......

~Place value 
~Comparing and ordering numbers
~Learning the relationship between fractions and decimals