Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Week of March 10th and 17th

Dear Parents,

   I big THANK YOU for sending in Capri Sun juice drinks during ISAT testing. Also, the fruit snack donations and other prizes for our classroom are always appreciated especially by the students.
   We could still use a few more boxes of Capri Sun and prizes/stickers!  Thank you, in advance!!!

 ISAT testing in 5th grade will conclude on Monday, March 10th with one last Reading Test.
 ***Makeup testing will take place for any absent students the rest of the week.

Too Good For Drugs - Our last session with Deputy Seward is Friday, March 21st.
 Too Good For Drug 5th grade graduation!!
 Thursday, April 17th from 8:30- 9:30 am  Parents and family members invited!!

NO SCHOOL - Monday,  March 17th & Tuesday, March 18th

Chaperones = Mrs. Cullen, Mrs. Gustafson, Mrs. Pinto, and Mrs. Scheck
Chaperones, please be at PV at 8:45
We are departing by 9:00!
Your child needs $ to purchase lunch at the food court or may bring a sack lunch.  $10.00 is the maximum needed and change should be brought home.  There will be no souvenir shopping!


SPELLING:  None this week

ENGLISH:  Unit 3 Verbs....More irregular verbs, verb usage, and almost finishing the unit!!!

READING:  Unsolved Mysteries 
The students are working in groups on an unsolved mystery.  They had a list of mysteries which to select a topic that interested them.   This entire project is technology based.
On Google Docs they can show you the Site and the Unsolved Mystery Project directions, links to get them started for their research, what the project needs to include, a rubric etc.
Then, they can show you how they collaboratively took notes and how they are now implementing the notes into their final project either a WEBSITE or SLIDE SHOW!
Part of the project, is using, a site that we have a subscription to, to find a primary source about their subject as part of their presentation.
Also, they are trying to find an EXPERT to contact about their "mystery" to get information. We may even try to Skype!!!
Lastly, as we finish these.....I will send dates and times for parents to come see and here our awesome presentations!!!!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Patriot/Loyalist project.....The students will be doing the last part of this project for Chapter 8 Lesson 3 on Monday including the cover.  The Project will be due on Tuesday and we will be printing them here at school in the lab on the color double sided printer!

SCIENCE:  Chapter 15 finish lesson 3 and Lesson 4 "How do People use Energy Resources"
Chapter 15 Test = Friday, March 21

MATH: This only covers the week of  3/10:
Ch6 L9 Estimating Quotients and L10 Dividing Decimals using Models
***Keep practicing multiplication and division facts at home****