Friday, April 11, 2014

The Week of April 14, 2014

Dear Parents,
Wow! The students did a phenomenal job presenting their websites or slideshow presentations of their UNSOLVED MYSTERIES.  Thanks to all the parents who were able to attend in person or via Google "Hang Out".  They worked very hard on all aspects of this project.  I was extremely impressed by their attentiveness during the final presentations and the level of questions they asked each other.  This project also was a success thanks to working collaboratively with Mrs. Foellmer, our Educational Technologist.  Mr. Hummel, our technology director, made the Google "Hang Out" possible.  

MONDAY:  CLASS REWARD/CELEBRATION and CLASS BREAKFAST FROM PTO AUCTION that was bid on for our class by......Mrs. Foellmer!!! She was so impressed with the hard work they put into their projects!  
I will be treating the class to Dunkin Donuts, fruit, and juice and we'll watch a Mystery!!

THURSDAY @  8:30am  PRAIRIEVIEW  parents and family members invited!!
Congratulations to Morgan  for being selected to read her essay from our homeroom!

If you would like to nominate your child for Project Challenge at Lakeview, this needs to be completed by April 30th.  You can have your child bring the envelope here labeled: Project Challenge Nomination, Mrs. Maass Lakeview and I can put it in the interoffice mail or feel free to drop it off at Lakeview.
  • Project Challenge Parent Nomination - We are presently taking nominations for those children who will be in third grade through eighth grade in the fall of 2014.  Project Challenge is the district’s program for the academically talented children in grades third through eighth grade. If you would like to nominate your child for Project Challenge, please fill in the nomination form which is located on the district webpage, or pick one up in the office of your child’s school. Nominations forms should be returned to Mrs. Sheryl Sulima , K-5 Gifted Coordinator, or Mrs. Jennifer Maass, 6-8 Gifted Coordinator, by Wednesday, April 30.  Please see attached link for Nomination Form:
    Thank you, Mrs. Sheryl Sulima, Prairieview & Mrs. Jennifer Maass, Lakeview


SPELLING:  Lesson 24 Work due and Test on Thursday

ENGLISH: finishing Adverbs and quiz on Thursday

READING:  CHINA!  Your child is researching China as if they are a student ambassador to China for a year.  They are using the internet, as well as non-fiction text to learn more about the city they selected to live in, the type of housing, what school is like, daily life, activities, food, and the culture.
They will create a tri fold brochure using a template that's been shared on Google Documents.  
For this Monday, they have one panel due and I have asked them to read "dig in" and learn more about China!
***We hope to SKYPE or communicate with a school or someone in China. 
The entire project is due on Monday, April 21st. 

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Chapter 9 Lesson 2 "When Washington Crossed the Delaware" a letter writing activity

MATH:  QUIZ Chapter 8 Lessons 1-4 on Monday
Lesson 5 LCM
Lesson 6 Compare Fractions