Friday, September 28, 2012

The Week of October 1, 2012

Dear Parents,

A Scholastic Book order will be sent home on Monday.  This is an excellent opportunity to order a great selection of books at a reasonable price.  It is optional to order.  I pass out these order forms monthly.
The TAB order is a Jr. High level order form.  There are some selections that deal with more sensitive or young adult issues. Please review your child's selections!
A check to SCHOLASTIC or exact money is accepted in an envelope with the order forms.
When ordering from Scholastic, they give teachers bonus points to purchase books and other learning materials for the classroom.....So, thank you in advance!


SPELLING:  Lesson 5 and an opportunity to earn a bonus point with the word of the week!

ENGLISH:  Comma Project - due Monday!  We will be learning the correct usage of quotation marks, abbreviations, and titles.  We will finish Unit 5 this week.  The test will be on Tuesday, October 9th.
**CARTOON in color needed for Wednesday.

SCOOPer Reading:  First quarter book goal is due Friday, October 19th!

READING:  We will be doing some higher level thinking skills as we solve analogies.  The students will be given analogies that use synonyms, antonyms, whole to part, part to whole.  The relationship between the first set of words need to be determined to solve the analogy. Furthermore, there are some challenging words used on this sheet which will reinforce the use of dictionaries to learn and understand new words.

COURAGE - Our next selection is Jacob's Rescue.
A synopsis:  Once Jacob Gutgeld lived with his family in a beautiful house in Warsaw, Poland. He went to school and played hide-and-seek in the woods with his friends. But everything changed the day the Nazi soldiers invaded in 1939. Suddenly it wasn't safe to be Jewish anymore.
We will be doing vocabulary cards with self selected words.  The students will be doing activities based around the three levels of questioning:  right there, think and search, and on your own.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Jamestown Colony!  Your child should be able to tell you the similarities and differences between  the colonies of Roanoke and Jamestown.
We will also learn about other European colonies.

SCIENCE:  Weather :  Air masses and fronts and weather patterns and climates.
We will be finishing the chapter this week.  The students will NOT be given a test as an assessment of their learning.  Instead, they will be given directions about a WEATHER PROJECT. 

MATH:  MULTIPLICATION TIMED TESTS for facts 0's - 12's end this Friday.
Please continue to practice, practice, practice multiplication facts at home.
Chapter 3 Division - The steps for long division are a lot easier if multiplication facts are memorized!
Friday = Homework Sheet