Friday, September 21, 2012

The Week of September 24, 2012

Dear Parents,

    Some reminders for this week:

School Picture Envelopes:    Went home with your students today.  Please check their backpacks for them.  To pay by credit card, visit  Follow online instructions.   Write online payment code on order form.  Bring completed order form to Picture Day - Thursday, September 27, 2012.  If paying by check, please make checks payable to Lifetouch. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Magazine Turn-In

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Picture Day
Last Magazine Turn-In
Cozzi Corner Dist 66 - Fundraiser
Friday, September 28, 2012
Early Dismissal - 11:00 a.m.
Cozzi Corner Dist 66 - Fundraiser


SPELLING:  Lesson 4 and "word of the week"

READING:  We have been doing some different activities with homonyms and homophones.
COURAGE - This week we will look at a non-fiction news article and the students will focus on facts and opinions rather than plot and character.  We will also be reading a non-fiction and fiction selection about a diplomat who was faced with  deciding between saving lives and obeying government orders.
The students will use facts from the selections and their own values and experiences to reach a judgement.

SCOOPer Reading:  The students have been given several reminders that Friday, October 19th is the due date to reach their reading goal.  Only one book activity can be turned in at a time.

ENGLISH:  Unit 5 Capitalization and Punctuation - This week we will be concentrating on the many different uses of the comma.  We will be doing an enrichment activity that requries creative thinking with comma usage.  We will also review interjections and do an enrichment activity using !!!!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Chapter 5 Lesson 1 - England's first colony at Roanoke.  What happened??? Lesson 2 - The students will learn about the Battle of the Spanish Armada.

SCIENCE:  Chapter 11 Lesson 2 - Clouds and Precipitation and Factors that Affect the Weather Cycle, as well as, learning about different weather tools.

MATH:  Multiplication Timed Tests!!! Many students have passed!! Keep practicing so your child not only has them memorized but knows them quickly and accurately!

Chapter 2 Test and Homework sheet = Thursday