The Week of January 12th in Miss Trefonas's Homeroom:
IOWA Tests of Basic Skills are this week. The students will be completing the reading and math tests in their reading and math classrooms. I'd like to provide a healthy snack to the class on testing days. If you can contribute an individually wrapped snack, (cereal bars, fruit snacks, graham crackers, Goldfish or cheese crackers, and/or Capri Sun or another juice drink) it would be greatly appreciated!! THANKS!!!
T.G.F.D. = Too Good For Drugs! Your child will be involved in a ten week program which takes place in our classroom and is instructed by Deputy K. who is a Dupage Sheriff officer.Our first session is Thursday, January 15th. Your child will be bringing home information that tells all about the program. There is weekly homework that involves family participation.
This counts as a participation grade for Science/Health!
.This counts as a participation grade for Science/Health!
SCIENCE = Chapter 15 We are on the last lesson "How Do People Use Energy Resources".
How to Study sheet will be filled out Tuesday and we will hilight notes.
CHAPTER 15 TEST is FRIDAY. *There will be less of a homework load this week due to IOWA testing, so there should be more than ample time for quality study time.
SOCIAL STUDIES = Chapter 8 Lesson 2 "The Colonists Rebel & The Boston Massacre"
IOWA Tests of Basic Skills are the week of January 12th. The students will be completing the reading and language arts tests in their reading classroom. I'd like to provide a healthy snack to the class on testing days. If you can contribute an individually wrapped snack, (cereal bars, fruit snacks, graham crackers, Goldfish or cheese crackers, and/or Capri Sun or another juice drink) it would be greatly appreciated!! THANKS!!!
SPELLING = None this week due to IOWA testing!
ENGLISH = Persuasive Writing......We will begin looking at persuasive text and the elements of a persuasive piece of writing.
READING = Analogies and Idioms!
"Toliver's Secret" is the novel we will be using for Book Clubs. We will be going over making connections to self, another text, or another wordly event. We will also be applying the strategies of summarizing, questioning, and predicting.
This novel is historical fiction and extends what is being learned about the American Revolution in social studies.
SCOOPer Reading = continue to read and work on book activities....
VOCAB CLUB= January words are due at the end of the month.
IOWA Tests of Basic Skills are the week of January 12th. The students will be completing the math testing in their math classroom. I'd like to provide a healthy snack to the class on testing days. If you can contribute an individually wrapped snack, (cereal bars, fruit snacks, graham crackers, Goldfish or cheese crackers, and/or Capri Sun or another juice drink) it would be greatly appreciated!! THANKS!!!
We are skipping to CHAPTER 11 "Fraction Concepts"
Multiples, least common multiple, divisibility rules, and greatest common factor are what is being covered this week. These concepts will require some review/reinforcement at home.