Friday, January 16, 2009

The Week of January 19, 2009

NO SCHOOL - MONDAY, JANUARY 19TH in observance of Martin Luther King holiday
RED, WHITE, & BLUE DAY = Tuesday for the INAUGURATION of Barak Obama!
SPELLING BEE 2009 = Students will receive word lists on Tuesday. Our homeroom practice spellling bee is scheduled for Thursday 1/22. Homeroom final spelling bee which we will have 2 winners is Tuesday 1/27. More information will be shared about the 5th grade bee and school spelling bee.......
In our homeroom, we will be watching an inspirational movie The Girl who Spelled Freedom.
This movie deals with achieving goals and overcoming obstacles. It's based on a true story of a Cambodian refugee who ends up participating in the National Spelling Bee.
TOO GOOD FOR DRUGS (TGFD) = Deputy Kotovsky held our first session Thursday, 1/15.
He sent home a parent letter with your child explaining this age-appropriate abuse prevention curriculum.
Your child will receive a grade in science for their participation in this program.
SOCIAL STUDIES: We are learning about the First Continental Congress and will be continuing our Patriot/Loyalist project. Have your child share their rough draft from Chapter 8, Lesson 1.
SCIENCE: We are not starting a new unit this week.
SPELLING: Lesson 19 and word of the week
ENGLISH = Persuasive Writing......We will begin looking at persuasive text and the elements of a persuasive piece of writing.
"Toliver's Secret" is the novel we will be using for Book Clubs. We will be going over making connections to self, another text, or another wordly event. We will also be applying the strategies of summarizing, questioning, and predicting.
This novel is historical fiction and extends what is being learned about the American Revolution in social studies.
SCOOPer Reading = continue to read and work on book activities....
VOCAB CLUB= January words are due at the end of the month.
Unit 11 Fraction Concepts - We have finished Lesson 1, multiples & least common multiple
Lesson 2, Divisibility Rules, and Lesson 3 Factors & Greatest Common Factor.
During class on Friday, I went over exactly what to review for Lessons 1-3 with the class.
Notes and the divisibility notesheet will be allowed for the quiz.
Lesson 4 Prime & Composite Numbers = Tuesday
QUIZ ON LESSONS 1-4 = WEDNESDAY & Homework sheet