Friday, January 25, 2013

Week of January 28, 2013

Dear Parents,
     CONGRATULATIONS to Johnathon, Nate, Saahil, Lukian, and Rose for being the final contestants, after 6 rounds in our classroom spelling bee.  The winners that will be competing in our 5th grade spelling bee are: 1st place:  Saahil and 2nd place: Lukian!!  GOOD LUCK ON WEDNESDAY, SAAHIL AND LUKIAN!!!
     The Center Cass School District Spelling Bee is February 5th.  The top two contestants from each grade level spelling bee will be competing.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Choir - 2:30 to 3:30 p.m
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Early Dismissal - 11:00 a.m.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Movie Night - Hotel Transylvania - 6:30 to 8:45 p.m.


SPELLING:  Lesson 17 and word of the week

ENGLISH:  Unit 4 Adjectives - Students will be doing enrichment work with each lesson.

READING:  Unsolved Mysteries...... The students are digging in and uncovering all kinds of facts, theories, and actual newspaper articles that have been archived and creating a power point presentation.
The next steps will include finding a quote about their mystery, a conclusion based on their research, and adding some special effects to their presentation.  Lastly, they will do an oral presentation with their power point!!

Ms. Hagansee,  Lakeview's  IMC Director, will be showing our class how to use a "Research Road Map" which will open up new doors to doing research.

SCOOPer READING:  Mrs.  Csorba and Mrs. Warkentien really enjoy listening to the students book activities!  I hope everyone has at least one book read and activity completed by the end of the month.

We will be doing an activity that simulates how the colonists were unfairly taxed by King George III and Parliament!  
We are starting a project: "I am a Patriot.... I am a Loyalist" where the students need to tell the events that are taking place from two different perspectives, written in first person, using facts and expressive voice!
The final copy will be done using Publisher on the computer.

SCIENCE:  We reviewed the difference between physical and chemical properties.  Many students had a difficult time understanding the difference. 
This week we will be learning more about physical and chemical changes.  The information they learned at the Museum of Science and Industry's COLORFUL CHEMISTRY Lab will be very useful!

Chapter 18 Lesson 6 Congruent and Similar Figures 
Lesson 7 Symmetry and we will be doing a project that coincides with this concept.
Chapter 18 Test is scheduled for Friday


Friday, January 18, 2013

Week of January 21, 2013

Dear Parents,

Monday - No School in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.

3rd Quarter!!!  Please notice the change for late homework.  If an assignment is more than one day late, it can impact your child's grade.
Late Homework Policy:
1 day late - minus 20%
 more than 1 day late, until test is taken - minus 50%
After unit test is taken - 0% taken


SPELLING:  Lesson 17 and word of the week

SCOOPer READING:  Your child has set their 3rd quarter goal and should be reading to complete their first activity by the end of the month!

LANGUAGE ARTS:  Unsolved Mysteries project! Your child has selected a topic that they will be researching!  There is a lot of excitement about the topics and the project.  Ask your child which Unsolved Mystery they will be exploring.  They will be using the internet, primary sources, and non fiction textbooks to find information, Each group will be creating a PowerPoint presentation!  
Mrs. Foellmer, is helping facilitate this project. We are fortunate to have her expertise and move the students further with technological projects!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  CHAPTER 7 TEST on TUESDAY!!  How to Study Sheet has to be completely filled out, the How to Study and How I Studied sections, with a parent signature to earn the 2 bonus points.

Chapter 8:  The American Revolution

SCIENCE:  Physical Changes, Mixtures and Solutions

MATH:  Chapter 18 Lessons 1-3 quiz will be Wednesday or Thursday.
We will be learning about circles, congruent and symmetrical figures

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Week of January 14, 2013

Dear Parents,
   Happy New Year! 

  The second quarter ends this Friday, January 18th.

 ~Tuesday, our classroom "practice" spelling bee for the Prairieview Spelling Bee
   We are watching Brave, which was voted on by the students and having a mismatched theme!
   The following students are bringing in treats:  Alex, Madison, Demetri, Jessica, Tatum, Kate, and Nate.
   Plates and napkins = Tanuj!
   Thanks everyone!!!

~Friday,  Field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry!  Students have the opportunity to eat in the food court.  Money, $10.00, should be sufficient, or a sack lunch, needs to be brought for lunch on Friday.
Thank you to the chaperones who are attending!


SPELLING:  Lesson 16 and word of the week

ENGLISH:  We are finishing a wrtiting activity about a Prairieview event and doing some short writing activities.

READING:  Poetry

SCOOPer READING:  We are setting our 3rd quarter goals and getting new book activity choices.
**The last week when SCOOPer Reading is due, each child will not be allowed to turn in more than one book activity.  This past quarter too many students waited until the last minute which is unacceptable for this type of goal.  I give many reminders and "nudges" to each student.....This is not a good habit and does not make reading enjoyable!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We are finishing Chapter 7 this week. 
The test will be given the week of January 21st.  Your child will be given the test date during the week....

SCIENCE:  Physical and Chemical Changes

MATH:  Chapter 18 Geometry