Friday, January 18, 2013

Week of January 21, 2013

Dear Parents,

Monday - No School in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.

3rd Quarter!!!  Please notice the change for late homework.  If an assignment is more than one day late, it can impact your child's grade.
Late Homework Policy:
1 day late - minus 20%
 more than 1 day late, until test is taken - minus 50%
After unit test is taken - 0% taken


SPELLING:  Lesson 17 and word of the week

SCOOPer READING:  Your child has set their 3rd quarter goal and should be reading to complete their first activity by the end of the month!

LANGUAGE ARTS:  Unsolved Mysteries project! Your child has selected a topic that they will be researching!  There is a lot of excitement about the topics and the project.  Ask your child which Unsolved Mystery they will be exploring.  They will be using the internet, primary sources, and non fiction textbooks to find information, Each group will be creating a PowerPoint presentation!  
Mrs. Foellmer, is helping facilitate this project. We are fortunate to have her expertise and move the students further with technological projects!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  CHAPTER 7 TEST on TUESDAY!!  How to Study Sheet has to be completely filled out, the How to Study and How I Studied sections, with a parent signature to earn the 2 bonus points.

Chapter 8:  The American Revolution

SCIENCE:  Physical Changes, Mixtures and Solutions

MATH:  Chapter 18 Lessons 1-3 quiz will be Wednesday or Thursday.
We will be learning about circles, congruent and symmetrical figures