Friday, January 11, 2013

The Week of January 14, 2013

Dear Parents,
   Happy New Year! 

  The second quarter ends this Friday, January 18th.

 ~Tuesday, our classroom "practice" spelling bee for the Prairieview Spelling Bee
   We are watching Brave, which was voted on by the students and having a mismatched theme!
   The following students are bringing in treats:  Alex, Madison, Demetri, Jessica, Tatum, Kate, and Nate.
   Plates and napkins = Tanuj!
   Thanks everyone!!!

~Friday,  Field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry!  Students have the opportunity to eat in the food court.  Money, $10.00, should be sufficient, or a sack lunch, needs to be brought for lunch on Friday.
Thank you to the chaperones who are attending!


SPELLING:  Lesson 16 and word of the week

ENGLISH:  We are finishing a wrtiting activity about a Prairieview event and doing some short writing activities.

READING:  Poetry

SCOOPer READING:  We are setting our 3rd quarter goals and getting new book activity choices.
**The last week when SCOOPer Reading is due, each child will not be allowed to turn in more than one book activity.  This past quarter too many students waited until the last minute which is unacceptable for this type of goal.  I give many reminders and "nudges" to each student.....This is not a good habit and does not make reading enjoyable!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We are finishing Chapter 7 this week. 
The test will be given the week of January 21st.  Your child will be given the test date during the week....

SCIENCE:  Physical and Chemical Changes

MATH:  Chapter 18 Geometry