It has been a pleasure to have many parents attend the students' Unsolved Mystery presentations.
The students worked hard on every step of this project and their presentations show the end result of both independent and group work. Mrs. Foellmer helped instruct the students with the technology. Ms. Hagansee, IMC Director at Lakeview, and Mrs. Csorba, IMC Director at Prairieview also gathered non fiction books for our research.
Monday we have our final presentations!
8:15 Atlantis - Tatum, Michael, Alex
8:30 Bermuda Triangle - Shayan, Saahil, Carson
TUESDAY = Early Dismissal at 11:00
SPELLING: Lesson 22 and word of the week
SCOOPer Reading : 3rd Trimester Goal due date is March 13th! Mrs. Linde met with some Scooper Reading book talks this week! She enjoyed listening to the books students are reading. Mrs. Warkentien, our IMC assistant, meets with students in our class, and is an asset to recommending books!
READING: This week we are preparing for ISAT testing the week of March 4th!
ENGLISH: Unit 3 Verbs - Direct Objects, Main & Helping Verbs, Linking Verbs
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Patriot/Loyalist - We will be completing this project.....proofreading and making the cover!
SCIENCE: Chapter 15 Lesson 2 FORMS OF ENERGY : Solar, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Sound
MATH: This week we will only have 3 days of math. The focus will be on preparing for ISAT testing.