Friday, February 1, 2013

The Week of February 4, 2013

Dear Parents,

    The Center Cass School District Spelling Bee is Tuesday, Feb. 5th at 10:00 in the Prairieview gym.
Parents are invited to attend.  Congratulations to Lukian who will be competing!


SPELLING:  Lesson 19 and word of the week

ENGLISH:  Adjectives - The students will be given enrichment work with each lesson.

SCOOPer READING:  Each child should have a book read and activity completed by the end of the week in order to keep on track with their third quarter goal!

READING: We are finishing our research for Unsolved Mysteries and completing our Power Point presentations.  

SOCIAL STUDIES:  The Boston Tea Party

SCIENCE:  Chapter 14 Test  = Friday
Students have notesheets, graded work, and vocabulary "memory game" cards" to study, and of cours....the textbook!

MATH:  Chapter 4 Algebra Expressions and Equations